Over and almost all way back to Bend. Many hours spent operating the van’s controls. Visited with my sister and her husband Bill. Stopped in for overnights at Steve’s going and returning. Excellent fall weather conditions. Teton Valley on the west side of the Teton range. Road trip over to Jackson then N a ways with the the Tetons on our left. Loop, returning same side. Tourist.
Far out: Friday night eating Thai I received a phone call, I saw name BenFreehub, from magazine. He saw my van parked across the street, he lives in Victor. Invited him in. He wrote and photographed the article about me in Freehub mag back in 2013.

Tomorrow back at La Pine.
Everyday I gain more range of motion on knee. However, disheartening, swelling went from 17 to now 16.5″. Yesterday was 5 weeks. Several days ago I lifted the bike off the rack to pump up tires that might have lost air from not riding. Able to perform task.
Highway US 20 east and returning west. Sage desert.
Back in 2013 I was flagged down at Peaked Sports in Driggs by 2 people standing in the street in front of the shop, they were holding the centerfold pic from Bike Mag article. I stopped and visited. I was told they would hang the pic on the wall of a restroom in the shop.
Pic still there. During a later visit I bought a print from file and posted in the other restroom. It’s still there also.

Sister Lynn and me in Teton NP:
cell phone pics are smaller than Olympus I carry mountain biking.