Previous 40 degrees was a heat wave. Sat AM temp was 16 degrees. The water vapor from cat heater solidified on inside of windshield, not vapor but ice. Sat day temp was closer to 30 degrees. I could ride but I could also hang in environmentally controlled spaces. Sunshine, as day progressed, solar gain lessened the bite. Made it a rest day. College football, Buckeyes of OSU played later in day, listened to game on XM.
Life lesson: resort bars cater to visitors who spend day away from resort then return later. I pass the 7th mountain resort on way out of town. Sat I finally stopped in with anticipation of socializing and watching a football game. I was only patron but did get pick of which game on which TV. The bartender and I traded self help conversations. Stayed for an $11 glass of bottle wine. Back out to rd 41 spot catching late afternoon warmth, as sun lowered in the sky the temp dropped.
Sunday forecast called for high 40s warm enough for a ride. At wake up time temp was 16 degrees out, 54 inside. Humidity was 54 % from heater. Again solid ice on windshield. Sunshine.
PT Dave spoke highly of riding conditions at Swamp Wells east of town where I had not ridden this visit. Last year I rode there on trails that were dry and loose. Not enjoyable. He said trails were solid. OK, I will go experience them myself. Driving heading east with bright sunshine in my eyes. Arrived at TH, temp was just 31 degrees, temp would only climb per forecast and solar gain. I was there. OK. Knickers, knee socks, wool t-shirt, heavy wool jersey, wind shirt, and new winter riding gloves. Stuck my head outside for breath check: no cloud. I would be chilly until muscle contractions warmth made the bite be a memory. Tread was firm for sure, not dusty. Rode up Swamp Wells trail which climbs, P Pine tree cover. Pedaled for solid hour before stopping for a clothing break to remove t-shirt. Scattered patches of snow in plant shade but not on trail. Trail continued climbing as were the increasing frequency of snow patches now that were on the tread.

Riders had preceded me perhaps just after snow had fallen several days ago so I was not making fresh tracks. I remembered the trail still climbing to a traverse across the face of Kelsey Butte. The tread became snow covered. Made hairpin turn on the face.

Self inflicted mental angst from earlier safety meeting made riding on the snow scary for fear of sliding out fall. I kept my wheels on the ridden in track. I linked small bare ground patches for braking. I never tested my traction limit, I knew trail would loose elevation out of snow, I just had to stay on top of my bike. Back on brown dirt.
I paid attention to ceanothus bushes that their leaves were slightly curled upwards, adjustment to cold and no water to freeze.
Beautiful day. Lower sun, fewer hours of light. I became antsy as the return trail was still a ways away. The intersections were marked with FS signs that I had yet to see. There were no social trails for confusion. The trail kept going away from comfort of van. I could not have missed the return that could have meant more climbing and snow cover. I rode pieces that I remembered so I was still heading correctly. Whew, hit intersection, now 2 hours of solid pedaling. Return was mostly downhill with the sun at my back. I was on way to home.

23.1 miles climbing 1955′ pedaling for 3 hrs 11 mins. Average heart rate was 127, 1 beat into anaerobic zone. Spent 1 hr 57 mins in 80 to 90 % effort. Temp at van was 61 degrees facing sunshine. Once out of sun temp hit 48 degrees. I encountered just a few riders, non heading in my direction. Riders were climbing up what I was coasting down.
Returned to Bend for propane, pot, and groceries then back to rd 41 spot. Forecast for today is increasing warmth that I will wait for before riding prolly my last Bend ride. Sunshine has melted ground frost, 27 degrees on way to forecasted 56. Tonight’s low is up to 30 degrees.
Cat heater raises humidity to almost 50% which is higher than outside.
Tomorrow is new suspension, Wed is new heater install. Thurs is laundry here then on the road west and south to Moab.