I don’t have to ride every day

Overuse rest day. Since Nov 26, Sunday I had ridden 7 days, out of 12 days. Weather here is just stellar for being outside: sunshine, temps in 50s to low 70s. And no precip forecast. No sense of urgency to get it while it’s good.

On Monday I accepted the challenge of driving out to Gooseberry on dirt road that could be big washboard bumpy which was first challenge. Riding Gander trail was secondary. The road had been recently graded to that the van’s suspension and its contents were appreciative. Miles of dead straight sight line passing over short sections of road that grading did not dig out the bumps. Turned on to Gooseberry road that was in better smoother condition. Turned off onto social road first right after crossing cattle guard. I remembered this spot from last time here, maybe back in 2017. Memory revcall was from there up would be nasty crawling. Tomorrow I would pedal up the road for Gander loop.

Tues AM I lingered inside heated van toill solar gain turned off the heater. Trailforks elevation profile showed riding trail from top back to van elevation drop. Over the years I had ridden the trail up and down and also climbing the road to descend. Wonderful road recently graded and nasty rock slabs removed, condition was acceptable to drive van up. Soft dirt climb to Windmill trailhead then out to edge of Gooseberry mesa to upper end of Gander which would for most art hug the edge of the mesa rim. All alone, not even a rig in either of 2 trailhead parking. Gander is a suitable name as it is a male goose and trail is on Gooseberry mesa.

Gander runs along edge out there

On a previous ride I hooked a handlebar on a tree on the mesa edge that changed my direction of travel to the edge. Hair raising close. Today I noticed many protruding limbs had been sawed off. Blue ability tech features with several being better left unattempted.


12.3 miles climbing 797′ pedaling for 1 hr 57 mins. I would like to ride trail again but road roughness dissuades me.

Spent a second night with hope of riding Wire Mesa the next day should my aching shoulders not be barking at wake up. My left shoulder is now hurting from overuse. The right just always aches. I talked myself into riding Wire as it is just a 7 mile blue loop and is nearby. Again trail runs close to mesa edge when land permits. No pics taken. 7.29 miles all mesa single track climbing 515′ pedaling for 1 hr 6 mins.

My left shoulder needs attention. Being an established patient made seeking attention easier. Medicare requires a physician referral for PT. The Urgent Care providers could write the referral and the PT clinic is part of the group and in same building. I called PT and scored an appointment for this afternoon. The nurse practioner poked her finger on my sore spot then wrote the referral.

I use Trailforks for trail info. On trail description there might be  m-bikes permitted. I read Wire trail info and saw motorized bikes were allowed. I called local BLM office and spoke with staff member who is also a self propelled mountain biker. At present the local office does not allow motorized travel on non motorized trails but they are not enforcing the ban. I encounter many m-bikes on Hurricane Cliffs trails and also Santa Clara trails but there are no signs permitting power assist bikes. I learned that BLM signs the trail to what is permitted, the FS goes the other way only designating not permitted user. I told BLM guy that BLM needs to develop a sticker showing m-bikes are permitted and until that happens those bikes are not permitted. I just don’t understand how much money a rider will pay to recreate without effort. (yes, pedal assist bikes require muscle effort).

On Sunday I rode Hurricane cliffs trails starting and ending at Sheep Bridge road and highway. Excellent weather and nary another rider.

JEM Hurricane cliffs flat

at 2:30PM temp is 71 degrees warm. Today is a warm rest day.

Getting started on Saturday morning

Presently hunkered down near Quail Lake, broken clouds, 47 degrees out, 73 at the ceiling, slight breeze.

Yesterday morning Doug and Leia visited me out at Goulds corral where I spent the night. They are making their way to Sedona from Canada. They arrived Hurricane the day before where we visited into the night, they stayed in their motel room and I drove up to corral. Enjoy their company as we share experiences of being home free. Nice morning sunshine warmth. Weather forecast wanted slight chance of precip, we visited until time came for them to shuffle along and me to go on a ride.

Weather started saying precip coming. I geared up for a shorter ride out Goulds then mesa ride above corral. Chilly enough for knickers and 2 wool tops.

looking W, highway and Hurricane

Rake and ride trail tracks along edge of mesa. Across the highway the Dead Ringer trail bench cut on steep hillside is visible, looks scary which it is because of exposure.

Dead Ringer climb

View goes on forever:

out there, Molly’s, corral, van

On the mesa a squall line upwind from me was nearing that but urgency in my return pedal. I raced the squall back to shelter of van. I put the bike on the van then climbed inside, literally moments later precip wetted the windshield. Short lived. Shorter ride also 7.87 miles climbing 548′, pedaling for 1 hr 5 mins, still worked effort.

I changed out of riding clothes then drove down to town, visited OTE to pick up my UPS order of gluten free Happy Camper bread, grocery shopped , then drove to Quail for the night. Stopped at gas station on the way that has local pistachios. Heater ran flawlessly all night.

Wed I parked at same corral staging for a ride and overnight. I pedaled out the road to Sheep Bridge road to pick up JEM trail part way down. Ride went down Chinatown Wash to join Rim trail. Lots of small features to overcome. Bike suspension allows pedaling while suspension rolls over without being bucked. When my engine provides the power. Encountered solo rider who sported gray in his beard. Interesting conversation ensued as we enjoyed each other’s company. I gave him a navigation fact that changed his route. Some miles later we ran into each other again and continued visiting. Both times the stasis cooled my engine. 15.9 miles climbing 1132′ pedaling for 2hrs 6min,average bpm was 121, a workout. Climbed Dear Ringer as seen on above pic.

Settled in for rest of day and night at corral. Thurs morn I started bfast, I had poured coffee water into the saucepan.  I noticed that the green led for the heater had gone out indicating thermostat temp had been reached but heat should have been required. HMMM, heater problem? For check I sparked the lighter to the burner. Nothing. Propane tank was empty. Not yet 7AM, closest propane source would not open till 8. I started the engine for heat then drove down to River Rock coffee shop for coffee, a muffin and warmth. Just after 8 I drove short distance to propane supplier where an attendant and I reacquainted ourselves, such a friendly woman. She and her husband are from Seattle now enjoying desert here, 3 years now, she said they are staying.

My body is wearing out from my lifestyle. My left side parts are now barking as shoulder, thumb, and foot send unhappy signals. I believe I have an allergic reaction to the statin which constricted my throat and breathing. Foot pain happens with every step which lessens enjoyment of walking. PT helped but I wonder if cause is now structural.

Debating whether to ride. Zags game at 8 PM, no sports bars in Hurkin.

Now in Hurkin

My contribution of community support of Waba Sabi thanksgiving feed and of its feeding me is in the memory can. Said hello to fellow volunteer Tom. My task was cold beverage distribution and replenishment. New organizers this year and different beverages items. I refilled plastic drink cups as diners requested. Helped for several hours then accepted my bountiful plate of food. Afterwards returned to Reid’s side yard for the night and assessment of weather forecast.

Friday forecast for Moab called for some precip and temps at night in the teens. My concern was frozen and/ or freeze thaw mud. I checked Hurricane’s forecast which was for above freezing temps. I decided time had come to vacate Moab. Friday’s forecast for driving was clear. I drove south heading to Hurricane. Skies were cloudy. South of Monticello I saw rigs coming at me with snow on them boding forth coming conditions. I soon drove into what they were leaving: heavy snow, poor visibility, and no plowed pavement. I lowered my speed below my already below speed limit. Snow was piling up on my windshield melting on wiper blades and windshield. My window looking forward kept shrinking. The highway took a turn to descent, I pushed on the brake pedal to slow down engaging the  ABS system controlling direction and speed. This time I was familiar with ABS. Some rig left sliding tracks on the snow indicating this could be slippery. Speed reduced and descending elevation  I drove thru the storm. A winter storm advisory had been posted for what I drove through after I was thru it. Conditions improved as skies cleared.

outstanding it is, not sandstone

My destination for the night was east of Kanab on a dirt road signed slippery when wet. At the  time weather forecast called for precip that didn’t match with the red sky at night sailors’ delight so I chose a spot just off the road in case rain fell. Later the forecast called for clear skies but I was already in anchor mode. Spent the night.

Strategy was staying there for night then in morn drive to a trail system east of Kanab that someone told me about. I found location and trails in trailforks. Tight system, elevation profile showed steeps and plenty of red level drops. Previously I spoke with guy at local ebike store who told me he built the trails. I passed. I bought propane in Kanab then continued to Hurricane.

Windy drive. I stopped at corral near Goulds wash for the night. Too chilly and windy for my outdoor enjoyment so I hung out inside comfort. 19 degrees outside at wake up, 53 inside measured at ceiling.

Sunday I waited for solar gain and temp forecast of 50 degrees. Time came for a ride. I picked up the Hurricane Rim IMBA epic trail from front of van riding out Goulds. Crossed the highway continuing on epic to upper TH of JEM trail. I ride entire length to return climb of Carne Asada which is a poke at destructive cows. Encountered numerous m-bikes, BLM stickers only showed bike. One guy passed me going uphill riding faster than I would have descended, these riders are a menace. Earlier while huffing and puffing climbing uphill I sensed riders behind. I pulled over to yield to what I thought were stronger riders to see 2 girls in street gear on m-bikes.

Virgin River, JEM trail hangs on the lip.

Ride was 20.6 miles climbing 1562′ pedaling for 2 hr 42 mins, average bpm was 124, 1hr 28 mins in my 80 to 90% effort zone. I work at what I do, the results take longer and are slower.

Visited with Quentin at OTE, he has shoulder issues also. We told injury stories for complete empathy. He told of working overhead that sent chills down my spine as my body responded to mental image.

Visited with Chad in the service shop. We met long time ago when he worked at shop in Moab. We have many shared acquaintances and places. Sharing keeps family connections connected.