Still tickin

Heart continues to perform to spec.

I write about how aging is affecting me. My body gives what it can. I am now walking stuff I previously climbed. And the uphills I ride are slower and more prone to stops for blows. It is what it is, I care for what genetics gave me.  I control what I can including of a ride.  Riding here is full body workout. Rocks are mostly square edged. No sit down and pedal up a long uphill. Feet climbed per trail mile is 70 to 90′. Just short distance. Keeping power on the pedals and coasting.

Today Doug said today was a Chuck Wagon day. Anticipation was for less traffic because the day was Monday. OOOPS. 3 day weekend, Chuck Wagon was the most crowded for me, just hikers. Up the way a trail intersection diverts to Devil’s Bridge  hikers’ destination. However, at start of Mescal trail hiker traffic increased. Rode across Mescal,

some of Mescal
Thunder mtn from west

Juniper and Pinyon pine tree cover

down Long canyon onto Aerie then social trails connected to system trails to arrive at starting point in the shooting pit.  11.2 miles climbing 997′, that’s 89’/mile, pedaling for 1 hr 43 mins. 6.51 mph average. I seem to be drained at present.

On Mescal an approaching rider called me by name. We visited. He met me back in 2009 in the Pisgah. We shared that experience and Pisgah. Doug was ahead as always, my visit increased our gap. Doug will wait at trail decision points, he rests longer than I get to.

On a previous ride I opened up the slow speed rebound 2 clicks which lessened the harshness. Made ride softer. Bike is much happier.

Yesterday I rode Rabbit loop down at VOC. I pedal up Little Rock and descent Rabbit Ears. Little Rock once it turns onto the ridge is a shallow climb over embedded cobble. I take several blow stops. At one time I could pedal this non stop. At high point reward on pay attention downhill. Several riders have told me they prefer riding opposite as the climb up the cobble sucks. Finish on Big Park loop all downhill. This is popular with hikers both directions and many places no sight line. My bell rings and I anticipate  possibility  of an encounter. Sound of bell carries and hikers usually allow me to proceed. I slow when passing or gasp when I pass on climb.

Sat I rode from shooting pit on mix of social and system trails. Systems because rain 2 days ago wetted down the loose dusty making for firmness. Most vehicle crowded I had ever seen. Up against the dirt bank were the firearm shooters pulling the trigger for slight sound to thumpers. Continual shooter flow. Sat at my start one shooter was shooting as he was upon my ride return 1 hr 26 mins pedaling time later. And he had more ammo to go. He is an attendant who fills my propane tank.

Interruption: I’m parked at the Cultural Park beside a camper with bike rack. The owner pedaled up, e bike. He walked over and asked me if I had ridden in Michigan as that’s where he’s from. That started a discussion. I showed him my road atlas with highlighted roads I had driven in MI. My travels of the state made lots of roads covered. Sticking point was his illegal riding, we never got to rivalry between MI and OH where I’m from.

My left shoulder is undergoing physical therapy. It’s solid from major repair back in 1997. Shoulder joint has muscles pulling in different directions. He is freeing up full range of motion. PT is a mountain biker, which makes for shared stories.

OK. My life is almost the same every day. Just consuming time in the present.



Last Saturday Jimmy invited Ian and I to join him and Christine for a ride on his local Prescott trails. Ian picked me up and did the driving both ways over to Prescott. Trails are snow free which shouldn’t be. Elevation is more than 1,000′ higher than Sedona, increases gasping for breath. Riding area is right against private build up, twisty climbing road to arrive at Aspen TH. Jimmy lead us on one of his favorite rides. Locals know how to link trails for the most smiles. Tread is decomposed granite. Slightly chilly which lessened sweat dripping. System trails. Our price of admission was a 20 min dirt road climb in the middle which linked downhills and coasting. Forest flora is mixed Ponderosa pine, oak, and juniper. Stick season for oak. There were 2 small off trail blobs of snow.

Prescott NF: P pine, juniper, and oak
Jimmy, Ian. Christine, Jimmy, Christine, and I ride Revels

Tread is mostly pedal bike.

Thursday Doug lead a ride out from Cultural Park which is the high point of any ride meaning finish was climbing up Axis, a solid 20 mins of huffing. I pedaled it non stop per usual. Grinder, red dirt and rocks. 7.61 miles climbing 732′ pedaling for 1 hr 10 mins. Doug’s shoulder issue limits his choices that I benefit from also, being shorter and lesser chunk. We enjoy being outside that riding gives us an excuse.

I have been hiking more as I am better able to keep my breathing below gasping. Yesterday we hiked a piece of Transept off Verde Valley school rd. A faint social trail beckoned me for a return instead of retracing trail.  Many years ago I “rode” the trail in opposite direction, did it more than once as I joined group rides. I had many opportunities to walk, back then I wore clipless pedals that required a metal cleat on the sole of my shoes, right under the ball. Metal does not hook up to slick rock, slippery. Today I wore hiking shoes. Been there ridden it, never more.

Sunday was Super Bowl game which I watched 1st half in packed PJs. Experience reminded me of my first super bowl watering hole on Shelter Island way out on Long Island, way lower key back in 1974. PJs was standing room only if you could find a spot that would not block someone’s view from the many TVs mounted above standing head high. Commercials have changed over the years, sound was muted. Lopsided game, Eagles trounced the Chiefs. I walked back to my house and fixed dinner. Only much later did I consult espn to see the score.

PJ’s now receives espn+ where the Zags coverage has moved to, dunno if coverage is a result of their no longer in top 25 teams. XM has moved them to a channel that my receiver doesn’t receive or I am required to pay additional $ for.

My Suunto watch shows sunrise and sunset daily. I compared ride and set for Jan 9 and 30. Sunrise changed 10 mins and set changed by 20 mins. Today’s data is 7:12A to 6:12P.

Nature’s way of telling us we have been messing

Where we should not have been. Dead dry and very warm for this time of year after P-Phil forecast 6 more weeks of winter.  But that is there, not here. Maybe there is a scorpion that predicts upcoming weather.

Doug and I rode out Western gateway trails yesterday, note the blinding white of his flesh.

Doug, Feb 6 apparel

I’m still wearing a light weight long sleeve wool top but have shortened leg coverage to shorts. 70 degrees yesterday.

Doug’s left arm is not happy which limits his riding time and roughness of trail which as I follow along benefits my body’s performance. While we stop more frequently and for longer minutes our time out is growing longer as our mileage shrinks. Yesterday’s ride was 7.61 miles climbing 732′ pedaling for 1 hr 10 mins. This is Sedona chunky riding. Ride finished with 20 min nonstop climb on Axis out of Dry Creek. At start of the climb 3 male m-bike riders, maybe in their 40s, regrouped to recover their lungs after a downhill.

Thurs is laundry day before lunch. Yesterday Doug scheduled his ride to during washer time. I was parked at laundromat when I read his text, decision: do wash now and miss ride or ride and do wash later? Folks at the laundromat have learned that they can mark their calendar to the day of the week with me being there in the morning. I chose the later choice. I walked into the laundromat and informed them that the date was correct but not to count on the time. I returned after my ride and let the machine make clean and dry clothes.

Last night the Zags played, TV coverage was espn+ that PJ’s did not subscribe to. Previously I had introduced myself to the new owner and asked for that channel. I checked in b4 game and learned they bought access. I returned at game time and watched the game. Zags won.

Monday I followed Doug again for a ride. This ride broke the 1,000′ climb per ride threshold at 1125′ covering 10.8 miles pedaling for 1 hr 36 mins. Beat down, recovery was calculated at 36 hrs. Average beats per min was 123.

I continue to sing praise for a better suspension tuned bike performance. I also seem to be doing more steering for chosen lines. Sometimes an obstacle is preferred over picking. Suspension works better when power on pedals over feature.

Joey at Absolute Bikes shared bike info unknown to me which will correct future actions. He said that SRAM chains are made with their lube and should be left on, any degreasing should be done with just water and Dawn. SRAM said that chemical degreasers removed a protective plating which dastardly harmed the chain. Also, don’t apply lubricants to fork and dropper post seals as the liquid seeps past the seals entrapping grit. Both lessons alter old ways of taking care of parts.