Dateline: East side of Sandia Peak
I broke the frame of my riding glasses. Called Rudy customer service and they never called back. Found a retailer in Albeq. Called and asked if they had replacement frame for sale. No, just entire glass. I asked how much, I told him I saw a pair on Rudy site for $120, he said he would sell me his pair for same. OK, another unplanned bike expense but a replacement pair of glasses. I tried riding w/ my prescription sunglasses corrected for distance but I wasn’t satisfied w/ vision. Troy, the eye glass person, is an avid mtn biker.
Yesterday I left REI and checked out Fat Tire Bike shop and sought out Stan, the writer of the Gallup trail guide.
Found Fat Tire, good most times gps. They are a Turner dealer which is why I was interested in them. They had Formula brake pads. Met Eric who shared many ride ideas and of places we had ridden beyond here. Nice guy & conversation. The DW SPot wasn’t completely built.
GPSd High Desert bike shop and first store employee I meet is Stan. I presented the guide book and asked for his autograph. Another signed copy.
Headed back to I-25 to I-40 to hit FS land for camp. Asked for info @ RS visitor center. She gave me primitive camping suggestions. I picked the 1 up the canyon near Cedro group camp. No h2o and slept in parking lot. Tried cell phone to call John and no coverage. Drove back down canyon watching the icon on the phone for coverage. Obtained signal & called John and made arrangements for ride today. He lives just a little ways away at Juan Tomas.
Yesterday I really bashed my head on the cutting board again. I had my hat on so the skin wasn’t broken but I really hit it hard.
Drove short distance over USFS gravel road to John’shouse following his directions. He lives back in the sticks. He is an engineer and did a short stint w/ Boeing before they laid him off. 2 other engineers started their own company and they sell services to Boeing. We hit it off.
It was off on a tour of trails from his house. he showed me loco weed and pinyon pine nuts. On a downhill I brushed right wrist against a said pine and stripped my magnetic braclet off my wrist. Couldn’t find it. Lost for good now. Might make a good prize for a raven.
John told me aout a drive N on rt 14 to madrid, an artist enclave where dogs, people, & kids walk in the street. It was an old coal mine town. I had time and off I drove. Stopped @ a hostel along the hwy for a shower. Stopped @ Triangle grocery for some food. High desert junipers & pinyon pine dispersed as h20 allows life to exist. Arrived in town. Old buildings exist and the highway obliterated the old wooden sidewalks. Picked jewelry store that dispalyed a Sale sign and shopped for a silver braclet that won’t fall off. Found 1. Nice. A store on Main advertised ice cream. I walked in, an old fashion soda fountain he said was made in ’35. Enjoyed a chocolate malt hard ice cream shake.
I did the tourist drive speed soaking in country side. Stopped in parking lot in shade to write this. Tonight I am going to check out a TH this side of I-40. Tomorrow eve John and some inyterwsting folks are doing a ride that I will attend on the Albeq side of Cedro mtn.
Hot & dry. Bath towel dries in no time. CXT outhouse made in Hillsboro, TX.