Temp inside van @ 6:00 Am was 69 deg. Never really slept.
Today is a list of tasks: wash, pen refill, cooler & ice & defrost fridge, find a tennis ball for bursa massage, learn what a 25 degree knee bend looks like, & hang.
Only 1 laundromat up in West Sedona by Mtn Bike Heaven shop. Clean clothes. Hung the air dry bike stuff on the clothes line in back of van. Temp got to 93 degs and the clothes were oven dried.
Small styrofoam cooler & bag of ice where the real necessary cold things from fridge went and opened the doors. 15 mins in to open door and the ice was almost all scarped free of walls. Turned the fridge back on and the inside temp was upper 70s. Temp might reach safe food temp @ 40 degs this evening. Believing that removing the ice will allow for correct operation. 10 months since turned on @start.
Found a PT office & made an appointment for measuring knee angle. Yesterday I lowered it 23 degrees per PT measuring tool. I lowered once and measured 25 degs. Now I know the engineering value. This will be my fixed saddle height, expecting great things of climbing rougher, steeper stuff while staying in breath. Had the feel on Sunday.
Today is a rest day. I took some pictures.
Early PM ski started darkening to the East, winds came up, lightning flashed, faint thunder claps, scattered splats of rain, just showing what it could do if it really had rain. After dinner a hard wind blown sprinkle muddied my windshield.
I walked to high end of jeep road going up to peak above where I am camped.
As I was folding socks I saw headlights in the rear view mirror, it was the law. Fit and focused 30 something USFS officer greeted me. He asked me if I knew about this place. I said No. He said it is the local gay pickup place. This will be my 3rd night here and so far I not been propositioned except maybe that was what Jack was about Sunday eve and I didn’t sense his purpose. He is a serious mtn biker also. Can’t take the law on an outlaw ride like some of Sunday’s trails were as in namesake: Under the Radar. Its like he alluded to reasons why he is not wanted on some rides. Safety meetings? Green team and he is odd man out.
Bought pack of 3 tennis balls, bursa on rt hip is tender from that over gusto stretching I did.
Hung briefly @ Mtn Bike heaven.
Lightning show to SE under clouds. Rain cooled air slightly. A meterological term describes rain that evaporates before it hits earth. Hot w/ no moisture w/ the air wanting h20, nad the air takes the moisture.