Killer day 3 on Phils trails

Still in Bend. I missed any conversation today, just learned about riding skills.

Today my plan was to do a big ride, shower, go into town to pick up map software, grocery shop, & do laundry.

Left about 8:30 after the day warmed up. 6:00 AM was 44 degrees. Snow is still an issue above Tumalo Falls so i climbed up to Swampy Lake @ 6000′. Way more to ride with total of 40 miles & 4067′ climbed. Big day 4 hours 45 mins.

Back @ camp solar shower was toasty hot. Push to get to post office before closing. Picked up Oregon National Geo Topo maps.

Splurged on mexican dinner.

Walked into a used book store and asked for On the Road by Kerouac. Scored a used copy. Look forward to his view of life.

Scored my same campsite. Better hang on to it for this weekend if I stay here.

Creampuff race is 7/12. I volunteered to help. Its @ Oakridge back South of here.

In Bend on Greenwood there is a tavern w/ a walk thru door to a laundromat. I have clean clothes and an extra beer in my belly. Watched a bit of the Mariners / Yankees game. Mariners lost 2 straight to them.

Off to read jack.


Another fun ride At Phils in Bend

Quiet night out in the close in toolies. Made scratch pancakes for bfast and putzed around postponing ride because I had all day to ride as I plan to stay tonight in same spot. Have shower h2o and set solar shower in sun to heat.

Rode 24 miles on almost deserted trails during mid day. Came upon a rider fixing a flat and he accepted a tire patch from me.

Hot solar shower washed off dust.

After dinner the woman half of the couple that Chris and I met on Saturday stopped by on her walk. They are camped just a long stone throw away Her boyfriend is subjecting her to baptism by riding. He heads off and she follows best she can. And has bruises to show for it.

Quiet day. Nothing rattling around between my ears either.

Tomorrow will be a big ride day here @ Phils. Fun riding thru P-pines on tight twisty dusty single track. Not much for big climbs or downhills albeit 2268′ vert in the 24 miles. Little climbs but not like the East but not the grinders of other western climbs.

McKenzie river trail & a day in Bend

Sunday i woke to an alarm outside Chris’ rental for our 7:00 departure for McKenzie river trail. Chris found a shuttle and we are to meet @ 9:00 for ride up to upper TH. Drove past Santiam Lodge that is still boarded up. I spent 2 nights there on my PCT hike. West of summit was skeleton forest from past burn.

Dropped into McKenzie drainage and found Belknap resort just before 9:00. Shortly Marlene from the resort arrived w/ big pickup. She was a lively person. Drove us to start @ Fish Creek. We elected to start @ uppermost start and rode the rough hike a bike basalt section around Clear Lake that is beyond clear. Part of the trail over the basalt was paved. Extra 1 1/2 miles or so was not needed.

Crossed the river and then the real fun started. Great woods ST w/ a testing section of more basalt but way more rideable. On my previous ride of this trail i walked a bunch of the basalt and I tossed over those parts in my mind from then on. I recalled the memory when I rode over that section and put the demon to bed. River is impressive w/ several h2o falls, the blue pool where the h2o resurfaces after flowing under ground. And the h2o is clear h2o blue.  Encountered hikers on way to falls. Everybody was polite and sharing of narrow trail. Lower seat and high rise wide handlebar made big difference. Also PUSH suspension.

Exited trail early and rode pavement about 3 miles to van parked @ RS. Learned that the river is diverted for a hydro electric project but some h2o seeps under the lava and emerges @ Blue Hole.

Stopped @ barbecue restaurant in Sisters. Heavy traffic going other way as weekenders made their way back to west side.

Chris and I were standing @ my van out front and a woman on her bike showed up. Chris started the conversation and she stayed. Her name is Sky, just new in town, renting a room in house just thru the hedge from my van, is a photographer, and amicable. We floated her photo idea of photographing riders out @ Phil’s. Invited her over for a showing of The Big Labonski that I have. She declined. We stayed up till 11:00 to finish fighting sleep off after the hard ride.

Today I couldn’t sleep in.

Chris and I were getting ready to walk downtown when a male biker rode up. He was curious about my adventure. He said that he is an ultra endurance athelete and he learned last weekend that he has lost skills learning about other people because of the hours of solo training time. I told him I noticed that in myself this weekend in talking w/ Chris. Solo life really becomes you and only you. It’s important to have interpersonal conversations. And then we walked downtown and noticed the fine women. Bend has a lot.

I sprayed h2o & scrubbed w/ dawn & bristle brush the Turner. Bike shows wear w/ scatches and grime almost impregnated into the surfaces.

I stumbled onto Cog Wild while trying to drive to campspot beyond Phils. Trying to meet another Chris who I met in Moab.

Years ago I found this partially shaded secluded camp site just pass Phil’s. Since my last visit it was partially cut taking trees above maybe 16″ diameter. Surface logged leaving skidder scars and slash. Former spot lost its shade and gained slash. Fortunately another spot was just a short drive. Tomorrow I will ride from here.

81 degrees and cloudless and Oregon 4000′ desert air.