Desert grand valley

Now around Fruita.

Wed morn I was seen by a dermatologist about my unhealing painful ulcer on my left leg. She assessed condition as needing a steroid cream to help healing. Prescription filled and being applied 2X / day. Noticed almost immediate reduction in pain. Three weeks is to be complete heal. I am sleeping better now,

Afterwards I returned to Fruita and went on a ride out at Kokopeli system on trails and direction I am familiar with. Mary’s out and still walking same tech features above my pay grade. Climbed Wrangler that seemed less arduous than just this spring. Lowered saddle increase efficiency.

Mack Ridge, Mary’s below

Thurs was laundry day. I chose to give a laundromat in Junction a try instead of the Fruita laundromat because of its broken machines still not fixed. Also, Lunch Loop system nearby. This system is laden with more tech features than I can make so I had avoided riding here for years. Today’s ride was to pick the lesser difficulty trails, blue rated. I pedaled away from TH, climbing right away. Feature after feature populated what I rode. I made very few and walked a bunch. Difficulty was above my skill and motor to make. I accepted that what little I had in the past had withered. I clicked my heals together and asked to be shown an easy route back to the van. I bailed. I made it back to TH unscathed.

Lunch Loop terrain, Junction

Google showed me the way to the laundromat. A young couple living in a pickup camper home made conversion with 2 small girls. The woman was interested in my life that I shared plus my wisdom from years of living.

Back to Fruita. In the evening I set out to socialize in town. Local open mike session I attended. 3 people in the audience. I listened to a guitar player doing a good performance on a John Prine song. Not the crowd I was hoping to intermingle with. Outside I heard more music and I sought out its source. Copper Club across the street from the Hot Tomato was karaoke night. I caught 1 act and that was enough. I left and drove out to Loma spot for the night.

Darn mouse / mice are climbing on board thru the open side door. I saw one on the step that i yelled at, it must have moved in instead of leaping to the ground. I set the Woodstream trap baited with almond butter on trigger that harvested several mice. This mouse is eating the bait w/o tripping the trigger. Tonight I will rebait that trap plus set another makers solution to a better mousetrap.

Today is a rest day, back into town for groceries and water.  Tomorrow will be another Kokopeli ride.


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