11,029 feet

I slept at that elevation just below Monarch Pass. Earlier I rode on the S hill above Salida. I summited Rainer 6 times at 14,410′ but never slept that high. My O2 saturation  remained at 98%. Whatever sleep disturbance I didn’t feel might have been elevation.

Earlier that day, Thursday laundry day, I rode a classic loop around Salida S hill. This was the first ride on lowered saddle height. Right away I experienced more pedal power and prowess from legs in their power zone. Back in my dirt bike days the solution to everything was “gas it!” I found I was able to apply pedal power to better obstacles impeding forward progress. Unfortunately the piston rings are worn meaning diminished power. I still need another measurement to dial in precise height. Rocky trails requiring finesse. I walked what stumped me.

I committed another navigation blunder that I chose to punish myself by correcting my route. I arrived at a marked trail intersection with a trail from the uphill then continuing down and the other traversing the mountain side. A group of young kids blew into the intersection and stopped. I waited for them to go on and I followed. Duh. It was a black downhill, some features I walked. I discovered that this trail did just that: downhill and I was at bottom.  From there it was a short pedal to the end but too soon to quit. I sought restitution for my error by pushing me and my bike back uphill to rejoin the trail I needed to be on.  Trails are technically challenging. 10.7 miles, climbing 1037′.

Salida trails

Back in town which had become quite busy lunchtime crowd. Visited Absolute Bikes, same name used by same brothers owning this location and Sedona and Flag. Google revealed they are a Revel dealer. I added a pair of their socks to my collection.

The local laundromat cleaned my clothes. For me a sad note that I have been separated from my old Turner jersey that David gave to me. This loss happened several wash days prior. I have searched my finite living space to no avail.

Plan was to drive up to Monarch Pass for the night. Mark showed me the old highway, now  dirt, with a gap between the contour lines indicating a small flat spot. I planned on checking it out for suitability. I drove away and upwards with trepidation for van’s performance. I worry about its health when I am behind the wheel. I spotted a backpacker thumbing a ride. I pulled over and invited the CDT thru hiker to his ride to the pass. He was Japanese with little English and I had none of his tongue. Van pulled the pass better than a VW vanagon. Dropped him off at pass then returned to the old pass road. Yes, a small flat spot presented itself. I slept right under  high tension lines.

Eastward from near Monarch Pass

Going west in the afternoon put the sun in my eyes obstructing the fall colors of aspen golds. Friday morn I headed west to Gunnison dropping elevation. I don’t recall the amount of golden aspens. Wheeled into Gunnison. Downton parking was full. I found a spot in front of the courthouse. I made 2 trips to Tomichi Cycles owned by Bill and Susan. The first was before shop opening at 10. Second trip I walked thru the shop back door and was warmly greeted by Susan. We visited. I enlisted her help to measure my seat high. I needed a straight edge over my hips to assure that seat height was not causing my hips to rock. I made now a proper height. The morning was chilly as was the forecast if 77 degrees is cooling in this extended days of summer highs. I picked the College hills right at town’s edge. Open sage hills. This time I was determined not to add another navigation blunder. I remained found. Ride was uphill then down. A long uphill piece was on Ridgeline, a loose 2 track. I stopped for a blow at bottom of last steep pitch. A rider joined me. He said he had seen my van around somewhere in the country. He owns a shop in ST Louis and we had ridden in many of same places. He is familiar with Switchgrass Flats in Kansas. He dropped me worse than a bad habit climbing. Descent was single track with twists through sage brush. Area is seasonally closed to protect Prairie chickens.

Signal Peak, single track descending upper right, sage desert

I was parked on the street across from the courthouse. I heard a vehicle u turn then parked nearby. A guy got out and greeted me. He had watched the Freehub film so he wanted to share his thoughts. He said he is going to follow my example in several years. He introduced himself as a county commissioner seeking reelection.

Afterwards I drove to Bill and Susan’s house. I was reacquainted to their 2 sons last seen was several years ago. Kids grow up. Susan fixed delicious dinner shared with their family at a sit down table. The boys left for their adventures allowing us adults to visit around a backyard fire. Fire died down as did our energies. We parted to our respective abodes.

Today I passed on riding for a rest day after 4 straight days of riding. Bill gave me a hike idea that I accepted driving out and into Hartman Rocks rec area. Trail hiked was Bambi’s that I think Susan lead me on way years ago. What was I doing on it back then I don’t know as I viewed it thru today’s lens that I would not even attempt riding it. Sunshine warm enough for shirtless hiking. Aspen leaves don’t hang long after they turn and with a breeze leaves drop. I’m late to the change.

Hartman Rocks area

My plan is arrive at Fruita on Mon / Tues.  Tomorrow continue west then drop down to ride the RAT, Ridgeway Area Trails, spend the night then Mon drive to Montrose and ride a new system B&S speak highly of. ( sentence ended with a preposition).

Just beautiful fall weather.



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