
As in having ridden the entire length of the trail Flagline. I have been riding the lower Flagline since snow melt out. The upper part that I rode on Friday, August 16th, the second day the trail was open. It’s seasonally closed for elk calving until 8/15 the day before. I got it when it was almost first tracks.

It’s a whole story of its own. During Wed night rain fell leaving the morning overcast an chilly but hero dirt. I was engaged in laundry and a fresh Unna boot put on. I slept at rd 41, a short distance from welcome center, where the bus picks up riders going all way to Bachelor and stops at this location. 9:13 pick up, $5 for uphill. I sought help loading my bike onto the trailer as my shoulder lacks strength. A rider did the heavy work. 20 bike trailer had maybe 5 bikes on it. Far out! First riders for the day. Arrived at Dutchman snowpark, start of ride to see many rigs. This trail and getting it while it is still good is choice. I pedaled away. First part of ride is on Flag Access to start of Flag. Tree cover up here is old growth hemlock. Deep and dense. Most of the climbing is on this piece. Today I walked more than I did 2 years ago. I passed 5 riders and just 2 riders, women nurses, passed me then let me go by later on. All by myself on good woods dirt. I noticed many freshly cut in drains and was curious who built them. Today an informed COTA member told me the FS granted COTA 2 days of trail work, Tues and Wed. Needed work for sustainability. Old growth hemlock, moss hanging from branches.

Flag is lots of pedaling, it is not a down hill trail. Deep forest cover up high, topped short of 7,000′. No view sheds, just tree trunks and this tarn.

tarn on Flagline, none of those trees are hemlocks

Upper Flag runs into lower Flag that I have been riding. This ride I decided to make it all about descending. Lower Flag Ts into Swampy loop pedaling past start of South Fork which requires climbing back out. Rode down Swede ridge then onto to Sector 16 to Upper Whoops to its end at multi trails intersection. I descended Storm King to Catch and Release back to van. Whew. 25.6 miles pedaling for 3 hrs 12 mins, climbing 1480′ and descending 3698′. I rode the bus up. EDGE figured 67 hours of recovery. I worked.

At the welcome center I took on water then drove up to Swampy for the night and today for recovery. The bus stops here. This morning first bus was stuffed with bikes, 20 on full trailer and 2 on front rack. Next bus was almost as full. COG Wild was plugged. I got it by myself.

This morning I was faced with a quandary: I had 1 egg and need for 2. First need was for corn bread for lunch, the 2nd is for Sunday scratch pancakes that I have made every Sunday. Sunday pancakes would require driving down to town, shop, then drive back up to Swampy. Van runs well, each way about 30 mins. Pancakes for breakfast tomorrow.

This afternoon’s forecast was for a severe rain watch. Rain is so needed and riding would benefit from wetting the dirt. Darn, just bouts of gusty wind but no rain. Visions of pedaling from here tomorrow to ride Flag to Swampy after predicted rain. So far hasn’t fallen. Other choice.

Battery fading.




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