15 cuts

Yesterday afternoon I lay face down on a surgical table covered from the waist up with a surgical gown.  The surgeon, who I learned while he worked, that he is  mountain bike and gravel cruncher. He had mapped the vein to be removed with a sharpie. I faced the wall and hugged the pillow. He started low and went high. He subcutaneously injected lidocaine and other liquids near the vein from a hanging bag , I never felt the slice of the scalpel as he made incisions. After each cut he hooked the vein and pulled removing whatever length broke free. 15 cuts. I felt his tugs. I asked for the bad parts just like auto shops give the worn out part.

vein pieces

The removed unna boot revealed that ulcer had finally healed thus perhaps negating this procedure. DR said I have vein disease with possible future vein issues. The removed vein was varicose as its valves were deficient.

I am wrapped from the top of my foot to almost groin to remain on until  Fri morn. Then a compression sock. I walked out of the clinic to my van then I drove down to my property N of La Pine. No riding until next Wed. I will prolly stay here a bunch of days. Just dead quiet here as the dirt road I’m on goes 4 more drive ways then dead ends into the Deschutes NF. No traffic noise. Trees all around.

That’s that excitement.

transit bus, 20 bikes fill up the trailer, at Swampy. $5 1 way

And today I am prepping for a SIBO breath test eating only baked chicken and hardboiled eggs. Spent quality minutes exposed to the sun to enhance my tan. I have a bit of a dunlop white band above my pant waist. My legs are a mix of patterns from various socks.

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