Test passed

Today I rode shuttle up to start of Olallie Oleary monster ride. The trails are old school possibly built by CCC. No coaster geeks on this ride even with, per Trailforks, 5633′ going downhill. Mixed in was 2113′ climbing over 16.9 miles.

Yesterday I drove from Bend to Santiam Pass area for the night. A large snow park is nearby. I read a hand lettered sign saying closed. ? I drove to the entrance without any sign about closure. I drove in to a sea of 2 man tents pitched off the pavement. I believe I drove int a fire camp. I drove out then continued down the paved road. Big Lake FS XG. I was willing to pay $10 for the night. Drove into filled XG. Sites were on the Big Lake shoreline. Packed tight together. Searched for the night sleep spot switched to dispersed. I found a tract going up a slight rise to a flat open area. Dirt here is finer ash than Bend as grains are hardly seen. Parked over the only patch of wood ships under lodgepole shadow till earth exposed me to full on sun. Was hot.

I saw on my phone mapping that the PCT went nearby. I hiked thru here back in 1978 on my thru hike effort. No memory recall. I do remember bits about my stay at the lodge at the summit.

This morning forecast called for 20% showers. I stuffed my rain jacket into my Wingnut hydration pack. Drove down to Rainbow well down the McKenzie River to shuttle pick up. Just 1 other rider, a young man from Il road tripping. Shuttle ride was an SUV driven by young adventuring woman. A the drop off sprinkles started falling from overcast. Not heavy enough nor chilly to don the rain coat. First part then several scattered sections were encroached by dense vegetation now wetted. Trail not overgrown as the tread was bare but the overhanging vegetation blocks sight. I am a very visual rider I need to see what my wheels will so roll over. Hidden rocks for deflection. Other rider is long gone. During a walk piece I saw a red object on the tread. It was a key fob with a key. I picked it up and put it in my pack. I planned on posting it at the kiosk at the TH. I continued on soon to encounter the other rider walking. I asked what’s up? He said he lost his key and was looking for it. I said I had one which was his. Stars aligned for all that to happen.

The trail is full on old growth forest on the wet side.

Oleary typical

That’s what it is all about.

Numerous places on side hill too steep to cut a bench trail dry rock masonry built up the out slope. It still exists in great shape

out slope rock work

For the second time riding here my bike computer jumbled data differently than I programed in. I only have someone else’s data. I rode straight thru. All by myself. Little rider damage.

Gem of this ride is the descent on King Castle. I didn’t stop to take any pics. Just deep tree cover on woods dirt mixed with conifer needles, lots of cedar. Steve and I rode this same route, we remarked about how long the descent lasted. Good old hiking trail with reroute pieces for sustainability. Several fallen trees blocked the trail, each present its unique problem to overcome. I was able to lift my bike over them me.un Per Trailforks data King Castle is 4.1 miles long dropping 1644′, that’s 400′ / mile. First time I rode here I pedaled up, prolly on my Turner DW 5 Spot 26 wheels and 3X and no dropper.

My brakes squeal when wet. I walked many places that 2 years ago during my pedaling the loop I cleared. I rode this ride because I was afraid I could not. I believe I can close the chapter on this ride. On my own, prolly no. Someone enticed me to join, maybe.

Back at van I put my woods dirt spattered bike on the rack then unlooked the side door, my entrance, and stepped in out of the drizzle. My feet squeak in my shoes. I changed into dry clothes.

I visited with the owner of the shuttle service. He shuttle drove me up one year, we remembered each other.

Drove back up to last night’s spot at Santiam Pass. Hoodoo ski hill here. Strong internet which is reason I published this.

Not really beaten. Earlier my pulse was just 70 which is above morning rate of high 40s, yet showing little effects of the ride. Ate large skillet of my home glob.