Ability versus Permission

Lesson in life learned in first grade. Classroom had a restroom. To use it you would raise your hand, the teacher would call on you and ask you what’s up. ” Can I go to the restroom”? No, you can not she would reply as I am sure you are able, you must ask permission then you can go. Having the ability meets permission. I think this explains my riding funk. My brain makes promises based on my ability to ride but body controls permission to ride. My body’s vote share has been increasing such that rides are becoming shorter and more risk adverse. I don’t have to ride every day.

Yesterday I drove down to Santa Clara to ride Barrel Roll. Parked at bottom, first pedal stroke was uphill. Catch trail to BLM trailhead. Today I backed off on effort and discomfort as I stopped for several blows where last year I rode non stop. Rode Precipice which in places hangs on edge hence the name. Many rock features to surmount. I have been gaining confidence in the bike and my ability to keep both it and my body under control. I learned an exercise to strengthen hips that I have been doing almost daily for several years which has added climbing strength such that I was able to motor up and over most of the problems on Precipice. Picked up Barrel Roll which has more features strung together that ability and permission were in accord for me to walk. Attention focused. Demanding short ride.

Monday was chiro foot treatment, issue is / are several bones in my foot don’t move per drawing. DR treatment helped but did not break those bones loose. He suggested rolling a golf ball under my foot, size of ball puts pressure in the joint versus larger ball I was using that just bridges joint, Like riding a 26″ vs a 29ner. Still not proper movement. Walking is still uncomfortable.

Spent last 2 nights down at Quail Creek spot at 2,700′, even lower than town of Hurkin and warmer. Warm enough for the heater to  shut off when set temp is reached. First night I woke sweated up under single down blanket layer. When heater shuts down the blower stops eliminating its noise. Quiet. I await the heater igniting which it does now all the time. I have memories of ignition problems of the past that raise concern on igniting.

66 degrees at 2:17PM. Hot. No ride today. two trail systems can be ridden from anchor spot at Quail, both are more demanding than permission given. Difficulty is both technical and exertion. I don’t need to ride even the lesser difficult trail.

I queried ANGI for house builder, 2 have called me so far. I have a well estimate. I am working to commitment to have house built this summer.

Forecast starting Fri is for greater probability of precip. But so does Sedona.  An ordered book is scheduled to arrive on the 27th so I remain here for its arrival.

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