Presently hunkered down near Quail Lake, broken clouds, 47 degrees out, 73 at the ceiling, slight breeze.
Yesterday morning Doug and Leia visited me out at Goulds corral where I spent the night. They are making their way to Sedona from Canada. They arrived Hurricane the day before where we visited into the night, they stayed in their motel room and I drove up to corral. Enjoy their company as we share experiences of being home free. Nice morning sunshine warmth. Weather forecast wanted slight chance of precip, we visited until time came for them to shuffle along and me to go on a ride.
Weather started saying precip coming. I geared up for a shorter ride out Goulds then mesa ride above corral. Chilly enough for knickers and 2 wool tops.
Rake and ride trail tracks along edge of mesa. Across the highway the Dead Ringer trail bench cut on steep hillside is visible, looks scary which it is because of exposure.
View goes on forever:
On the mesa a squall line upwind from me was nearing that but urgency in my return pedal. I raced the squall back to shelter of van. I put the bike on the van then climbed inside, literally moments later precip wetted the windshield. Short lived. Shorter ride also 7.87 miles climbing 548′, pedaling for 1 hr 5 mins, still worked effort.
I changed out of riding clothes then drove down to town, visited OTE to pick up my UPS order of gluten free Happy Camper bread, grocery shopped , then drove to Quail for the night. Stopped at gas station on the way that has local pistachios. Heater ran flawlessly all night.
Wed I parked at same corral staging for a ride and overnight. I pedaled out the road to Sheep Bridge road to pick up JEM trail part way down. Ride went down Chinatown Wash to join Rim trail. Lots of small features to overcome. Bike suspension allows pedaling while suspension rolls over without being bucked. When my engine provides the power. Encountered solo rider who sported gray in his beard. Interesting conversation ensued as we enjoyed each other’s company. I gave him a navigation fact that changed his route. Some miles later we ran into each other again and continued visiting. Both times the stasis cooled my engine. 15.9 miles climbing 1132′ pedaling for 2hrs 6min,average bpm was 121, a workout. Climbed Dear Ringer as seen on above pic.
Settled in for rest of day and night at corral. Thurs morn I started bfast, I had poured coffee water into the saucepan. I noticed that the green led for the heater had gone out indicating thermostat temp had been reached but heat should have been required. HMMM, heater problem? For check I sparked the lighter to the burner. Nothing. Propane tank was empty. Not yet 7AM, closest propane source would not open till 8. I started the engine for heat then drove down to River Rock coffee shop for coffee, a muffin and warmth. Just after 8 I drove short distance to propane supplier where an attendant and I reacquainted ourselves, such a friendly woman. She and her husband are from Seattle now enjoying desert here, 3 years now, she said they are staying.
My body is wearing out from my lifestyle. My left side parts are now barking as shoulder, thumb, and foot send unhappy signals. I believe I have an allergic reaction to the statin which constricted my throat and breathing. Foot pain happens with every step which lessens enjoyment of walking. PT helped but I wonder if cause is now structural.
Debating whether to ride. Zags game at 8 PM, no sports bars in Hurkin.