Starts third day mostly confined to bed, only allowed short walks tethered to a nurse assistant being treated for the result of slow speed stop off my bike. Transition from self sufficiency to having care given to me under hospital procedures.
More later, battery drained and recharging means surrendering to remote charger.
Short story is deep sand grabbed my front wheel spilling me on the ground, I must have hit my right knee on a bike part resulting in ballooning of that knee after I pedaled about .5 mile back to van. Hit my damaged right shoulder pretty hard. Body parts functioned on pedal out which was good. Drove down to Bend to ortho clinic advertising same day exam, returning patient as I saw them last fall. Knee swelled during drive such that too painfull to push on the brake pedal. Used ski pole as cane to hobble into ortho clinic, a child crawling would have been faster. Long wait before being seen. Xrays taken, knee is stable, swelling is hematoma enhanced by prescribed anticoagulant. Too painful, ortho told me be admitted to hospital across the parking lot. Wheel chair transportation to start of ER admitting. Passed triage then shuttled to a bed. DR ordered CT w/ and w/o contrast of knee and head and xray of shoulder. ER nurse needed 3 pokes in my left arm to insert IV plumbing, even 3 hole was almost dry well
I was so dehydrated after ride. Bed ride to CT room where attendant attempted to force the contrast thru that dry hole but veinous valves blocked flow. Returned to ER for another nurse to poke a hole in right arm. Returned to CT to new tech for procedure, this time contrast flowed. Learned result was arterial bleeding possibly enhanced by anticoagulant. I was admitted to hospital sent to 5th floor room with window view to the east where I am writing this on my phone. Now looking forward to 4th night on hospital bed. Blood draws from fresh sticks taken to learn levels of hematocrit and hemoglobin to indicate any bleeding.
So far my treatment has been pleasant and attended to. Several of the staff are mountain bikers.
The woman ER nurse who poked me 3 times has a strava record for descent of Pyramid peak trail that I up and down hiked several weeks ago.
Just me engaging in the art of conversation with staff.
Van is parked out front of ortho clinic w/ my cable locked bike on rack outside. I called yesterday to learn van has not been towed and bike is still there.
Daytime TV is waste land. Evening is still poisonous for stimulation. Hospital floor has phone charging station to keep phone alive.
My right arm and shoulder are traumatized and stiff but seem to have range of motion. I scored a PT appointment for late afternoon Tues. I was on other side of wall in the ortho clinic from PT office. I had hoped that I could receive PT on my shoulder before or after ortho exam but ortho finally saw me at PT time. I would have given a newly possibly damaged shoulder to PT that has worked on same shoulder over time.