Seasonal Affected Riding

Which is what I have. I am either going to favorable riding conditions riding area or fleeing from somewhere when conditions become less desirable. Or, how willing am I to tolerate conditions to remain or have few choices of desirable conditions. Prolly no vaccine to prevent or cure my malady. Winter drives me to the desert, heat drives me to cool. It’s what I will tolerate for the benefit of a location. So far here in the SW corner of Utah the temp has not dropped low enough to wear winter riding gloves or tights. Weather check after Sunday’s ride from Gould’s the temp was 63 degrees under cloudless skies. Just right. So SAR.

It is what it is and I am what I do. (Duh?). My body sends signals the next day after a ride that it feels wear. I take a day off, the next ride my body relishes the work. So I ride the next day, like 2 on, 1 off. Today my knees are barking. Last night a brief intense rain fell turning dirt to glop, now I have another reason to rest.

Late afternoon light low angle sun produces sights that the camera can not capture. That light can also be blinding as looking up puts that light in my eyes. I spend more time looking down versus far ahead.


Yesterday I rode from corral to end of Gould’s, crossed the highway to upper JEM TH descending namesake trail to junction with Chinatown wash, down to Cliff trail which offers blue level tech challenges, then climbed Crypto, then big climb of Dead Ringer to JEM TH finishing back on Gould’s. Cloudy means trail visibility. Saw just 2 riders entire time. Oh, 1 other rider on an ebike, who passed me at the top of Dead Ringer, and he was wearing ear buds. I watched him just rocket away from me, just too fast.

S, Chinatown wash

Yesterday I visited at OTE, I chatted with Pierce. I asked him his age, he said 23, I told him that I was 73, reality: 50 years of living difference. Recent college grad, he prolly remembers book learning.