Many years ago I clipped this pancake recipe from Spokane newspaper, a scratch made epicurean delight and not too much of a mess to clean up. I make a batch every Sunday morning. Back when I lived in Spokane I would add foraged huckleberries, now I use store bought wild blueberries.
Starts the day off.
Time moves on as it passes me by. I make excuses for not writing. I am adverse to effort beyond attending to my basic needs of food, shelter, safety, and riding. Weather conditions here in Hurkin environs have been chilly and windy. I have been mixing my rides of pedal trails with tech chunder for variation and achievement. The Hurricane cliff trails such as JEM, Crypto, and Dead Ringer, are pedal trails for achievement being able to ride almost everything.
Mix in Lakeside between Hurkin and Santa Clara for greater challenges on lesser ridden trail with lots of potential ground falls.
Then drop in elevation and usually less wind affected Santa Clara and Barrel Roll etc.
And there is this denizen of the desert, if avoided life is much better.
20 degrees outside in the dark, low 50s inside with heater running. When I parked my van with the back aimed at the upcoming sunrise, the solar gain warms the back end and the thermostat is located just inside the rear doors. The gain tells the thermostat that a;; is warm inside while the front is chilly and not sun affected. Last night I parked at Quail Lake camp sites positioning the rear away from the sun and sun coming in the driver’s window, I was warmed this AM for above pancakes.
So, I am warm now, breakfast has been eaten and cleaned up. 48 degrees, almost 11 AM. Time to put this aside for today’s ride down at Barrel Roll. I will pick up later after ride and before Zag /Kentucky game at 5:30 this afternoon.