
Mercury is climbing higher (analog temperature indicator), newer digital instruments show larger numbers. Each report exercising outside extracts internal water and increases body temperature. Desire to work fades as does the lack of shade. Yesterday I pedaled away on a planned strenuous ride about 9 AM. I had planned this route in the comfort of my “office” chair. This time I made sure to shove the length into my stomach and loss of water and energy. I wanted to descend Chisholm the entire length while seeking a lesser painful climb to start. Place where I stayed was at the high point which needed about a mile of dirt road riding each way to start of single track. I considered driving out to parking on Horsethief rd where Chisholm crossed. I could descend but then the long finish would have been a climb. Because I would be driving anyway to Fruita afterwards I arranged my route to put in the climb at the start by parking at Navajo Rocks main TH where Middle earth crosses the road. I arrived early enough that only 1 other rig was in the parking lot. I pedaled across the road riding Middle Earth to ridea short piece of something to junction of Seven Up which would be the start of my climb. Down low the trail was a double track with sections of loose sand. Finally up onto slick rock patches and single track. I recovered the previous day which was of benefit, however the hump up was beat down causing numerous blows. Turned onto Whirlwind then Mustang to start of Chisholm riding its length to Big Lonely turning into Big Mesa back to van. 18.6 miles climbing1530′ pedaling for  2hr 45 mins during which I encountered a few riders but never enough to feel crowded. I like these trails as they are well laid out and minimal shaping of the tread.


Back at the van I unlocked the sliding door, my entry port, and caught motion on the kitchen counter.


Perhaps it had slithered into my hydration pack 2 days before then exited to checkout what it had got itself into. No rattles. I helped it back to its natural setting.

Hot dry ride, little cooling breeze.

Van transmission has been barking lately. I had made an appointment for service or checkout for this Thurs in Junction. Too much concern about health that I chose to leave Moab to drive to Fruita to hang till appointment. I am so concerned about van breakdown I just wanted out of Utah for legal comfort of CO. Van made it. Today I spoke with repair shop who reiterated these transmissions are good for 300,000 miles or so to which I am 21,405 miles short. Thurs appointment will start with an evaluation of transmission health. Planned service is to replace transmission fluid in which moving parts have made peace with. Replacement fluid might upset that relationship and causing failure. I have been working myself to fact that a new transmission will be needed.

Hung at OTE this morning. Dan rebleed my rear brake.

Staying out N of Loma where there is no shade above the 6 inches of desert flowers. Last night I slept with the door open and just under a sheet.

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