Dry Beaver is running!!!!!

That means sufficient quantity of precip fell on the drainage which starts way up on the Mongollon rim. Fact that enough moisture fell that it needs to run down hill. First time since I have been here. However, yesterday I crossed Dry Creek out at Western Gateway trails and it was its namesake. Its drainage is lower down. Mud puddles on the MP4 spot are drying up. The drought last year was so hard that plants exhibit attached dead leaves and, in case of manzanita, berries are still attached. I believe normally at this time those bushes would be showing blossoms. Drought kill on desert plants. Cows are still not out on where I sleep as there is no green.

Today marks the 5th “birthday” for my Turner RFX. Dig this info: 1,070 rides covering 15,274 miles.

Turner RFX 5 years old, 1070 rides, 15,274 miles

Yesterday I rode out at Western gateway trails from Cultural Park, 14.7 miles climbing 1155′ pedaling for 1 hr 56 mins. Heart rate data of 56 mins in range but 1 hour in the energy inefficient zone above 128 beats. My breathing, or lack of efficiency, causes me to stop for a blow but not my heart. The EDGE calculated 28 hrs of recovery, yet this morning my heart rate is in low 50s which indicates sufficient recovery. I will rest or hike today.

on Outer Limits under Cockscomb

Yesterday towards the end of my ride I felt a suspension stitch as it had a knock at a point in the travel. I removed the shock to eliminate it and still felt the knock. Going to have the pivots checked. I am starting a search for a new bike frame as current geometry offers significant improvement over my RFX. Newer designs are longer, lower, and slacker offering greater stability. I contacted DT asking him for his recommendation for a bike that rides like a Turner if he would have designed it. He said he had no suggestion and that it is up to me to make my choice. Shit, analysis paralysis. I am hoping that the suspension problem is in the bearings that can be replaced to put off making a new bike decision.

Reading “Angle of Repose” by Wallace Stegner, winner of Pulitzer back in 1972. History, we forget or not know from which we came. I saw this truck which is not mine but I drove one back in the mid 70s before I wrapped it around a tree when I slid off a snow covered road.

1970’s truck like I drove

State of the art at that time: no shoulder restraint as I bounced my nose off the steering wheel leaving a scar across my nose, no intermittent wipers, dimmer switch on the floor, no air conditioning, just drum brakes, no head rest. But it carried my 250cc Husky dirt bike. Not same as horse and buggy.

Zags play their first dance tomorrow night.

Last night was pleasantly comfortable with needing furnace heat in the darkest hours are before dawn. Sandals back on but still long pants and shirt. Yesterday I rode in shorts expecting sun burning but no redening. Working on putting color back on my white legs.

That’s all for now, on with the living.



Weather you approve

It’s Mother Nature dishing out whether you agree.

Monday I rode down at Black Rock trail in sunshine and just right temp on dry trail. yesterday weatherperson called for 80% prob of less than an inch of snow overnight continuing into morning. I parked at Overlook then covered inside my windshield and driver’s door and went to bed not being able to see outside. At wakeup I looked out: weather forecast was reality. I left the wipers on the windshield that I carefully pried off the glass. Drove into town to the outlet mall lot, snow fell off and on before lunch then the skies opened to blue, rising temp and evaporating water. I parked at mp4 able to drive established ruts to get around 2 low spots that become pits after some amount of precip. Great to be back in the desert again. Don’t cover my windows allowing sunshine to the east gently turning up the gain. I shoot for out of bed at 6. Overlook proved popular on these wet days as there have been 3 other vans and a truck camper sleeping the night away.

Last night I picked my ride for today. I drove into voc at the mall for ride start. The trails down here offer trails that connect to others after a while, point is your ride can be as long or as short as you want it to be. Feel good: go big, less: take first lateral to return trail. I planed on riding around Hogs on system trails. As I rode on Llama I decided I would shorten my ride. I passed on Bail trail for 1st bail continuing to Little Horse cut over marking the furthest point away from my van. Bounce down rocked stairs letting the bike and my reflexes get the job done. It took me several years of walking some of the problems before I gained confidence and some ability enough to ride each one. I have come a long ways. Breezy piece to Tempeton to Hermitt to Coconino to Slim Shady for gravity assisted finish of my ride. On Slim there are several roll downs that I ride every time. Today on the first nasty one I cut the exit to the inside setting up for the abrupt up. Shit, I was just inches too outside as the front wheel hit a stopper which sent me over the bars. I made a mistake choosing that line. The feature is a short wash crossing so my fall just splattered me on the far side into pin oak with the bike tangled up on me with the rubber side up. I smacked my left side head on the helmet for which it did its job. No stars displayed on my heads up display. I squirmed out of the clutches on the oak and the bike and finished my ride. Next ride I know the line to avoid as there are several feet of rock width to choose. I have never been able to ride it up.

Back at van I removed my worn rear tire and replaced it with a store bought fresh same tire. I waited for more comfortable conditions to do this work outside; too cold to do it before the ride. I use Stan’s sealant. Once the tire bead was broken I could see the Stan’s which I sucked up using his small 1 shot squeeze bottle. I sucked up more than 3 bottles and there were no brains. I put the former new tire on back in Moab on my new l9 wheel. That was 669 miles ago. Today i only squirted 2 bottles. My floor pump lacks output to bead a tubeless tire, solution is shop air. Drove up to Absolute, I bought 2 valve cores and a shot of compressed air. Tire beaded with 4 loud cracks indicating tire both sides is seated. I compared the old tire to the new, I wore the center knobs down past the sipes and only the left side lugs were being worn away meaning I carve to the left and maybe just turn to the right. I know I can make my body carve lean to the left but not so good to the right. Stimulus spending that I received today. New tire and forthcoming, per their schedule, my new l 9 front wheel, which is to be shipped on the 19th, are paid with free money.

Off for groceries then out to the desert.

Whew, BCT

Ian invited me Monday AM along for a Black Canyon trail ride same day. Always enjoy riding with friends. We picked up Chuck along the way and will meet Greg and whomever he invited along down at Bumblebee. Greg arrived just ahead of us. Speed trouble coming: Greg rides a single speed hard tail, his gang of Steve and Kevin are speedsters as is Chuck and Ian is close behind. Distance and time spell speed and that’s what happened. I pushed as my body allowed yet I was way off the back. We rode the same ride as I did back on Jan 31 with Ian and others, today my speed was .6 mph faster but with a lower heart effort. Still monster 3 mile road climb to top  once past the cattle tank. Ian said I still rock my hips indicating saddle is still too high, I heeded his advice and lowered it a slight bit which continues to improve my pedal power. Maybe that attributed to my lower bpm, certainly improves my bike handling skills. Forecast called for increasing winds as day wore on. Good news was it was from behind which aided the road climb but it would be impeding our return speed while increasing effort. The descent from the top down to the tank is twisty as it goes around the snout of ridges and dips down and up thru small washes. Speed is modulated at the blind bends as one was not sure the turn radius as most had the potential if not turned sharply enough would result in tires not getting any traction while airborne. My speed is dependent on gravity that I modulate with my brakes, I coast while others enhance their speed and work making them go faster. I chose to lessen work and arrive later. We nailed the descent then rested a bit at the tank then headed home nonstop. The ride was like my solo rides as I just pedal mostly non stop. Group rides “sometimes” allow rest stops. Yesterday’s ride was for non talking men. If there was touchy feely talk among the leaders I was unaware. I know I had no one to talk to. The wind created excitement as it blew me off my line at exposed places.  We returned unscathed. That previous ride me and someone else bore the same scratch as we hit the same branch or thorn. Today I commented to Ian about it as neither of us were cut, perhaps it was cut out or we just gave plants a wider berth. Good hard ride, 20.9 miles climbing 1939′ pedaling for just under 3 hrs. Sunny and pleasant except for the chilly wind.

Forecast for last night was for more snow, another night at the overlook, Sunday night I drove out to sleep spot at MP4 while avoiding the mud pits. Forecast for rest of week is no precip to make dirt driving hard.

No pics from ride.

AZ does not do daylight savings time, our time is same as Pacific daylight savings, 3 hrs behind the east.

Zags are number 1 seed for the NCAA big dance and favored to win the whole sheebang, don’t count your 3 points until they exit the bottom of the net.

42 degrees at 1:15 PM.