Years ago a shop I visited when I was seeking bike repair told me there are 2 kinds of shops: a city shop and a destination shop. The former is where you dropped your bike off then waited, your repair was added to the end of the queue. The later you dropped your bike off then the shop turned to to cure the bike. Destination you were at that location to ride in a short window of time. A city shop was just a bike to repair. My bike with its suspension issue is in a city shop. I called last week to make an appointment to put my bike in the queue, Monday was the earliest open date. Dunno if that means by end of business or earlier. Or, perhaps my work on date will be slid to later. Anyway, no bike to ride.
On the bike I checked on what I am wanting to do. The 2 main pivot bolts were loose, not checked since Moab repair last year. Never thought to check all the bolts. I tightened those bolts and rechecked the others to torque specs with the bolts all tightening which told me the inserts were still bonded tightly to the frame. My hope is that a bearing failed which is a replacement part and not a frame part failure. Tearing down the linkage was more than I want to do in a parking lot hence a bike shop repair.
In the mean time I am investigating buying a Revel Rail 27.5″ bike frame and installing as many as the parts from the RFX on this one. How to convert a non boost rear wheel to fit a boost rear end, and others. I emailed numerous tech sources seeking advice for parts compatibility. I can rationalize buying a new bike that has newer dimensions which improve bike handling better than present RFX. I emailed Turner my 5th birthday bike pic and asked him if there is a bike out there that rides like a Turner if he would have built it. He said there are many bikes to pick but did not recommend one. Steve and Jimmy ride the Revel and speak highly of the suspension and the company which is steering me to buy a Rail. The company has figured a new resin formula that allows striping of the cureed resin from the fibers to be able to recycle material.
NCAA big dance underway. Sat I watched the Zags destroy their first opponent, at noon today they play their next round. PJs before noon and drinking. Sat was buffeted by high winds that kept me inside.
Yesterday I hiked out in Turkey Creek area where I ride. My intent was to hike the trails up and down Napoleon and Witch’s tit. Beautiful day to be out. In the almost 4 hours walking I encountered 1 rider and 2 hikers.
Beaverhead spot is crowded. Yesterday all the spots from the hard road out were occupied except the 8 min drive out spot, all the puddles were dried out allowing me to drive out to it. Too many people invading my “private” space.
Another precip event is forecast mid week, even snow.