Trail build

Today was the first trail build day of the new year out at western Gateway. This will be a new viewshed trail that is sketchy and very challenging. Today we built out to the start of the to be real difficult off the shoulder of western side of Cockscomb. I heard the number 30 builders. I continue to ply my brushing skills. We walked in from Aerie on Cockscomb to the start of the build.

new trail up higher on Cockscomb before dirt work
trail will contour, numerous short pieces of outsloped slick rock, horses not allowed
Forrest and Phill

Above are the 2 responsible for the trail design/ On the left is Forrest of the USFS, on the right is Phil, trail creating imagineer. Collaborative effort meeting FS approval.

returning on new construction. Find other builders tiny specs in upper left third

At present there are plenty little challenges, some of which I will scramble over.

Back into town to make my clothes clean. Made an appointment to visit Fat Tire Dave the drove to uptown. Visited for awhile watching him custom tune up a fellow Canadian’s bike. No enlightening conversation.

Zags play tonight at 9. I am down at VOC writing this before the game starts.

Tuesday I lead Doug on a Turkey Creek ride today doing stuff that I like to not ride by myself. Still freeze thaw mud which is crazy is that every patch has its own degree of slipperiness. Hard to judge potential front tire wash out on a tight turn. The tip of “cupping” my feet on the pedals increased my efficiency as now my feet remain on the pedal resisting being bounced off the pedal.

On that ride the trail crossed a wash where another mtn biker was standing. He saw me then asked if I had been in the Pisgah like 18 months ago? He remembered seeing me and my van. It was me. Today was the first time to visit which is unfamiliar versus having met him previously and not remembering him. I have a Pisgah branded front mud guard. Mud guard is of great benefit because of all the mud on the trails.

Wed I sought expertise concerning my sore right TMJ, the dentist is the same one who made my mouth guard back in 2014. Problem is caused by trashed left side joint. Course of remediation is making 2 appliances which will alter the position of my lower jaw to per blueprint. BIG chunk of change to be able to chew.

Yesterday I was parked out at the Cultural park reading Gone with the Wind. Spoiler: I finished reading it later that night. Traildoc pulled up and engaged in lengthy visit. Local legend.

I know more people here than every other place I have visited. It is possible that the quantity here exceeded the total of all the other people I know everywhere else.

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