Yesterday morning at the Cultural Park and the new FS trails location I waited out sun warmth inside. I pedaled away around 11, just about right. I rode the new Outer Limits to Cockscomb, trail is almost 7 miles long. Rode over what I helped build. Trail is weathering in nicely. Soft rock. My bike handles differently because of new fork with The RUNT and custom tuned on front, more significantly on the back is PUSH’s Elevensix shock. Getting reacquainted. Sedona riding of short climbs, not yet 100’/ mile. Beautiful day, just slightly chilly.
Ran into Rodger, an older local rider. He had kept his age to himself. Today i told him I turned 70, he said he had me by 10. 80 years old riding what he is able.
Last spring at a trail work day I met Doug who was visiting from Canada. We struck up a ride together. At Thurs’ trail work day he was there. He started talking to me as if he knew me. My memory recall tumblers searched to no avail. As he spoke my memory came partially to life. We said something like riding together again. We hooked up today for a ride from the Village. We rode my standard short Llama loop. There were several spots that I did not make on the first go so I sessioned them to success. Still that climb further out still has me bipeding it. My breathing held me back today, more effort required for progress. Is it because of soft dirt? tread was firm with a few small patches of melted freeze thaw. We got passed by other riders who are younger than us. We stopped and visited.
Being back here is reconnecting with people I have history with. yesterday it was Robert, Alex, and Darrel, and Roger. Today it was Duf and Sarah.
Bike and Bean has all new staff. New climate to learn of culture.
Tomorrow is Doug’s route up in West Sedona.