windy Kansas

Too much rain and more days needed to dry trails out at Bentonville so I moved on into Kansas with a short piece thru Missouri. I researched ride ideas in both MO and OK but came up with same story: too wet. So a big push across the state. Next destination is Wilson SP with Switchgrass trail system. I made it as far as Hutchinson spending the night at Sand Hill SP well after dark. Windy night. I entered Switchgrass driving directions and learned I was less than 2 hours away but I was done driving for the day. And to fix something to eat which became a toasted cheese sandwich and an omelet.

Today I finished the drive to Wilson State park. Park office was closed. Paid daily $5 fee then drove to TH parking lot. One other bike car. I geared up then took my turn on the trail system following the IMBA Epic loop. First part of the trail got after the challenging tech moves, did some walking. Forecast called for wind which blew the anemometer to 30 mph steady with gusts to 38. Rode 19.4 miles leaving the easy loop on the table. 2 hrs 49 mins climbing 1683′. Go to MTBProject to lookup the trail to see the density and config of the system. Amazing that my 19 miles fit in 186 acres per backcountry navigator. Like never far away but couldn’t get there.

Wilson SP on the far side of bridge, trail wanders around over there
stone fence posts for gates

Creative use of terrain. However, almost all the trail was not bench cut and many places below grade. Prolly amazing that the system exists as this place is in the middle of Kansas with no mountain bikers. Seat dropper enhanced my enjoyment, would not want to ride here without it. That’s because I have and use my dropper and not just because I have it on my bike. 46T cassette helped.

No play toy racks on cars since Brevard. Grocery store in Ellsworth offers poor nutrition choices, I believe that grocery stores don’t stock nutritious foods. Harps in Bentonville had a produce section not much bigger than my van, broccoli was limp. Looking forward to healthful food choices where heart propelled activities are predominant.

I sipped a shot of 5 year old Rum at Scotch and Soda in B-ville. Enjoyable. Connected with Heather whom I met there 2 years ago just after she completed her AT thru hike. Caught up with her adventurers.

Nice to be out in the open again and out of the rain. I did ride thru several mud pits on Switchgrass. Eastward water was standing in the fields. Beans areĀ  waiting to be harvested. Just wet.

Moving on to Denver to visit a cousin.

The drive after the ride on I-70 was twitchy from the cross winds. Kept the van between the lines but used much of it. Wiggle and waggle correcting wind push.