Strong enough to blow the hung sheets on the line parallel to mother earth. Just an expression as I have not rigged an outside wash line to verify my claim. My van has been rocked. Last night the temp lowered such that squashed doubled down blanket couldn’t ward off the chill, I reached out from under said covers to twist the furnace control knob to give me heat. Ah, drifted back to sleep knowing that the furnace would do its job.
The Show Low area is still being buffeted and forecasted for still windy, at present velocity is too high for me to expose my lungs to air borne particles.
I buy and read several mtn bike mags. Dropper posts have been derigguer for several years now. I read a recent comment about them: How did we ride without them? The post prolly explains why I am wearing off the side lugs of my tires: by lowering the seat it frees up lots of space between me and the frame allowing me to aggressively carve the turns which engages the side lugs. Just superb. Also a common comment is that making the seat move operation is performed more times than shifting. I concur. I have no desire to ride my bike without a working dropper. I have 2 backups.
Ranch hand offloaded a tank of water into the boiler tank out where I stay. Future cows return to dry desert.
I am seeing vegetation greening up, small “grasses” rising up. Cat claw is still leafless. Local knowledge is it won’t leaf until no more frost which happen weeks ago. Presently the bare branches identify the plant for avoidance. Leaves distort the shape of the bush increasing the likelihood of being clawed.
Above is wash climb out on Chuck Wagon.