Season over

Last night the Zags put up a fight in the Sweet Sixteen round to Florida. Two teams go in, one comes out a winner. Thanks Zags for your season.

Personally I am deflated. I followed the Zags from preseason till last night of almost 5 months. I watched  almost all the games that I could find a place that had the TV package or listened to on XM and the ones that weren’t there it was slow internet gamecast. I booked 2 events each week. Their season is finished, now a long wait till November.

Forecasts have missed the mark the last several days. Yesterday was for precip. Jeff whom I met in Fruita last year who is also living his version of living on the road and another riding buddy who is deciding if he wants to embrace this life style shared a Chuck Wagon, Mescal etc ride. Rain was forecast at 11. I left beaverhead spot early enough to drive to sedona and do  my weekly wash and meet at 11 out Dry Creek rd. Clean clothes and on time arrival connected with Jeff and Jon. Steve figured this ride direction as we climbed out of Dry Creek  at the start and finished on downhill Dawa. No rain. Amazing how few hikers there were on Chuck Wagon in spite of the large quantity of vehicles parked along the road. Just a few bikers encountered. We climbed Snake, Girdner and Chuck Wagon, traversed Mescal, flew down the power line section of Cockscomb then pedaled final Dawa back to rigs.

Jon works for Dirtrag mag. He saw my Catalyst pedals then said he wrote a review of them publish in said mag. Another rider has his pedals.

Last night I parked at the overlook the location requires 3 leveling blocks under the right front tire to level my home. When I pulled out the needed blocks I noticed I was 2 blocks shy of a full bag. Oops, I drove away yesterday leaving 2 blocks behind. Today I walked back to the spot finding the blocks as I left them. A smaller count of cows are back on the desert. Still nothing green. Desert is dry and cows are continuing their damaging of our lands to the benefit of a few.

Going out to share a camp spot with the (2) Js.