Last night I enjoyed solitude at upper jem. Came with a price that was charged everywhere as the temp dropped. I ran the furnace on a lower setting but it never reached that temperature. I pulled on my opened 20 degree down bag then played slip off the bed retrieval. 53 degrees inside. A bit of a breeze in the dark shimmied me in bed.
I waited till temp was almost 40, I wore a long underwear top and heavy jersey topped with wind shell, knee socks and knickers. Ride started down the JEM which chilled me even more as little muscle burn happened to support mostly no pedal down hill gentle grade. For the most part the JEM can be ridden uphill which is no longer allowed, just saying the grade is pedalable and coastable.

Left the JEM taking the Hurricane Cliff s trail along the Virgin river gorge and skirting incised washes. Hit a BLM outhouse at the junction of Crypto which starts the climb back up and finished on Dead Ringer so named for a dead cow, Beautiful sunny brisk day.

I managed my time to be in Springdale at Jacks at 5 to watch a Zags basketball game.I made it so. Big screen TV above the bar and I had a front seat seat. Ranked number 4 Villa beat the 15 rank Zags. Respectable game.
Yesterday was a rest day. The shop gave another go on my dropper post. Regreased it and installed a new cable pressurized to 25 nut smacking psi. It worked well during my ride. Seems it is really sensitive to ingesting fine dust which creates stiction slowing the return height.
I turned to the web to buy 2 pairs of long pants and a wool top because I had a stable ship to address. Next up is a new seat swivel base.
No precip in the forecast. Just dusty dry. Brisk breeze keeps fines in the air.