
I don’t stay after it, mostly just not wanting to make the effort to keep this up. Sometimes it is social like the friends form Spokane others perhaps I’m out of internet access, maybe the Mariners are on XM, maybe a good book that I would rather read someone else’s work than creating my own.

Memory recall:

Monday the Spokane folks headed out leaving me w/ an empty campsite. I drove into town stopping for a ride at Bar M. Today I was looking for a less hard ride so I stated closer in away from Deadman and the rough slick rock of Rockin A. I still rode the Back 40. 10.37 miles and I was able to keep below anaerobic. The skies wanted rain down at Moab. I drove down to town arriving after the T storm down pour. Took a shower, filled water, and grocery shopped. I drove back to Willow which had been rained on. I dodged 2 rain falls.

Tuesday I made a rest day reading sitting in the sun.

Wednesday I rode from camp out to Klonzo trails which are sandwiched between Soverign land and Arches NP, the system runs on N S axis. The road out past my camp is unimproved. Vehicles drove on it when it was wet casting ruts. As it dried out vehicles started smashing down the ruts. Purpose built trails where the climbs were worked to lessen the steepness.

S Klonzo trails
S Klonzo trails.

I stayed again at Willow.

Thursday I drove up to where Chisholm crosses the highway and parked for a Mag 7 loop. Only rig in the spot. Joy of weekday rides as there are hardly any other riders let alone a crowd. Not as hot today. I didn’t push or fly as when I rode w/ Tom and Kelly. Today it took me 12 mins longer for a more relaxed ride.

end of Little Canyon looking S
end of Little Canyon looking S

Trail works its way out there, ups and downs with twists to stay out of washes and on edge of canyons for exposure views. The above pic is at the low point and the go back home point almost equal distance to the downhill.

I am riding Ibis 747 carbon rims on which Maxxis Ardent 2.4 tires are mounted running 19 psi in front and 20 in the back. Sharp edged rocks abound hit w/ some speed. I don’t smash into sharp edges, I mostly lift the rear tire above the edge lessening the impact. I have not pinched a tire bead. Wide rims made of carbon and low tire pressure. Wheels are holding up.

I drove back to town for a shower and laundry and supplies. I use a 2 gallon jug for drinking water and regular water in the sink water tank. I can go 2 days on drinking water and longer for kitchen water.

Last week I used my solar shower to heat water to pour into the Helio pressure vessel. I would step on the floor pedal pump increasing the pressure. I noticed that the pressure dropped faster than I would expect. I checked the fill cap which was on firmly. I pulled it open and cleaned the seal edges just in case. I pumped again. I checked the seal and heard air escaping, it never went flat it was like a pressure relief valve. Gearheads has one set up. I pumped theirs up and checked the seal cap which leaked air also. Seems Helio has an issue. Pressure hence water flow diminishes requiring frequent foot pumps to keep the water flowing.

Clean clothes.

I decided it was time to start moving north again.

Friday I drove away from Willow heading to Grand Junction.

At Junction I went thru my to do list. Wheels were balanced at Discount, they were not badly out.  I told guy about road vibrations I was experiencing, he said sometimes w/ new shocks the front end needs to be realigned. I called Mac Daddy to learn of a recommended shop. I drove to it and explained my concern. He said front end is fine, perhaps new shocks are better at picking up road surface irregularities. No alignment needed.

I bought coffee from a local roaster. I checked REI for some stuff and landed in the first day of their sale.

I learned that downtown Junction is closed off for bikes races this weekend. Hmm, check it out. I parked in the Chamber of Commerce lot then walked downtown to a jeweler to repair my broken bracelet. Dropped it off, repair due this Friday. I saw a SRAM booth and Squirt lube, I use both of their products. I met the developer of Squirt and told him about my wax build up. I talked w/ SRAM about my dead zone in my shifting, he said bring it by. I walked back to the van, took the bike down, changed into my bike shoes, and pedaled down town. SRAM guy said shifting can  work great in the stand but when a rider weights the bike the suspension sag changes angles such that the B screw needs to be adjusted accordingly. He made the adjustments. Squirt told me that I over lube, a proper interval is like 50 miles which will result in a dry chain w/ no build up. He said riders are getting 2X the chain life over conventional thin lubes.

I drove back to Fruita and visited Over the Edge. Dinner was a big salad at Hot Tomato. Afterwards I drove back west 20 miles out of town to Rabbit Valley to a camp site up on a mesa. Got my favorite spot which is on the mesa edge. A fine view of I-70 presents itself along w/ traffic noise, not bad enough to keep me awake but aware of the background noise. Several rigs pulled into my area and turned around once they saw it was occupied. I set up my traffic cones down at the turn off to send occupied notice.

Sat’s forecast was for gusts to 30 mph, way more than I wanted to be buffeted by. I stayed put reading a book. I went for a hike latter in the afternoon. Warm night not needing the down blanket.

11:16 AM closed
11:16 AM closed
5:50PM open
5:50PM open

Today, Sunday, the forecast on Sat called for almost calm winds. However, on Sunday the forecast called for big winds again. Shit, gotta ride. I drove back towards Fruita to the Kokopelli TH. Windy wiggle driving as the wind was almost amidships. The trailhead lot was almost full.

I headed out pedaling uphill out of the lot then zooming down the back side. I chose to climb up Wrangler to stay off crowded Mary’s. Big hump on like old 4X4 road, not much for purpose built easier climbing. I joined Mary’s. Plan was to ride Lions then  up on Mack Ridge and return. The trails are right above the Colorado river that the winds find. Wind was moving me around down low and past experience of Mack in the wind would be scary as wind would change my line. I turned around. I dropped in on Steve’s which is less exposed. Encountered a group of riders, one, a woman was riding a white Turner 5 Spot, DW link. I chatted w/ her later while she was dealing w/ a flat. She is a nurse and knows Turner’s wife.

Same trail problems, new bike, but conservative mindset kept me from attempting ones I should be able to ride. Lack of confidence.

Pedaled back up the gravel road climbing out. I found that my gearing was sufficient. I did not miss the 2X10 granny gear. Lots of rigs w/ empty bike racks with no congestion on the trails.

Drove into Fruita to the Rec center for a Silver Sneakers shower. Groceries bought at City Market. Today I am driving up to the Colorado National Monument for camping and hiking. Quite an engineering solution to route then carve out sandstone for the road. Found a campsite.

I hiked along the rim a ways then returned same way. Spectacular canyon views from above.

Colorado National Monument
Colorado National Monument

Windy here such that I stayed back from the edge.

So, caught up and now 10:30PM, time for bed.


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