Adult disneyland

That’s the trail description I heard a local say. Prolly so true. Amazing purpose hand built mountain bike trails. If these trails always existed I would not be so exited about them. However, my first trails were not purpose built, they were ridden in hiking or horse trails, some were purpose built for hiking and horses. They went somewhere usually. Excepting Mag 7 ride the trails here are a closed loop taking you back to the start. Yes, a directional trail ride can be created by linking systems. Sustainable and built for mtn biking fun and challenge. So that’s why I am still here. And waiting for snow melt out.

Ramble on to record events since last week.

May 9, last Monday I made a rest day as my gut and calf hurt would enjoy non use. I camped at Willow. SO far my chair and table have held a spot for me.

Tuesday I drove up to ride Navajo Rocks abandoning my Willow spot.  Navajo rocks can be just a heads down pedal fest. At the TH a guy told me he had ridden with me in Sedona. Another brain don’t recall moment. He knows Simon and was wearing a Bike and Bean jersey. He drives a Sportmobile converted 4X4 Sprinter. OK, he’s still working. We rode Ramblin and Rockytops together. He is reacquainting his surgically repaired back to the jolts of mtn biking. He left back at the parking lot and I continued the 2nd loop of the figure 8 ride of Big Mesa, Big, Lonely, and Coney Island leaving on Middle Earth. Going down Ramblin from Middle earth TH is a slick rock pump fest. My ride effort is to take advantage of all methods of propulsion. I pump whenever I can. Ramblin is fun.

I learned about a primitive camp spot that almost touches Whirlwind trail in the Horsethief system. I found it.

Wed I rode the short distance to Whirlwind then rode the trails that are downhill from Getaway using some of 7UP to come back up. Pay attention to the paint marks. Lots of slick rock tread.

Afterwards I drove back to Willow arriving about 1:30. I checked out my spot to see a guy settled in. The first spot off the highway was opened. I drove up onto a piece of slick rock then set out my chair and table marker. I drove to town for resupply. Back at my exposed camp spot I was sitting at my table when motion caught my eye. I was looking at the front end of a white pickup truck parked about 8 feet away. Now just a moment buster, that’s too close. I got out to meet Tom and Kelly, old Spokane friends who are on a road trip. Cool, friends from back in the ‘hood. We shared the spot. There is a small patch of sand for their tent.

In the morning we hung out visiting. For me today was another trip to town to do laundry after doing trail work. I never was contacted about helping so my Thursday turned out to be  free. I walked over carrying my chair on the intervening slick rock to my favorite spot. It was vacant. I set my chair up in the spot claiming it. I told Tom and Kelly about the spot. I drove over to it and they joined me later. They found a patch of sand for their tent. The spot is big enough for the 2 travel trailers that will be arriving with the rest of the bunch on Friday that will be riding the White Rim Trail. I drove to town to do laundry.

On Friday We drove up to do the big Mag 7 ride picking Chisholm up where it crosses rt 313. I was the local. They enjoyed the trails. Bull Run, Great Escape, and Little Canyon trend mostly downward but do have some short punchy climbs. At the end of Little Canyon it is uphill on Arth’s then Getaway with its slight downs. Punchy climbs that I have adjusted to. Hot sunny day. 22.92 miles climbing 1917’ in 2 hrs 49 mins of pedaling. T & K are not tourist as we kept after it.

Kelly Vig
Kelly Vig

Back at the camp Terry and Meg had arrived in their trailer. They live across Argonne where I used to live. Terry rides a Turner Burner. We hung out socializing till after dark. I have a little bit of history with the 4 of them.

Sat the 5 of us drove up to where Chisholm crossed the highway for a Horse Thief ride to introduce Terry and Meg to the purpose built trails. Hot day.


Motion caught my eye as I was first in line

horned toad
horned toad

Back at camp the sun energy had heated the water in the summer shower to too hot to the touch. My shower methodology is to heat the water in the solar shower them pour the water into the Helio pressurized bladder. It  has a 6′ hose ending in a nozzle like in the home sink. I stepped on the air pump sufficiently for very hot water to spray forth. I took a very hot shower out in the sun. The shower equipment work well.

Another trailer arrived w/ 2 women who are the movers and shakers of this White Rim venture.

Evening winds drove us all to shelter.

Sunday we all headed up to Navajo Rocks to ride my preferred fig 8 loop. More fun getting after it. Kelly and I rode the 2nd loop by ourselves. Kelly is an extremely good climber but backs off on the tech downhill. She’s like 12 years younger. I lead most of the way while I gained distance on the downhills and slight flats and she making it back up on climbs.

Back at the camp we sat outside in the sun then into shade to escape heat. The rest of the White Rim riders arrived during the evening. Winds picked up enough velocity and grit to drive us into Terry and Meg’s trailer. Meg gave each of us a pint of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. We put our names on the lids and returned the uneaten to the freezer. The winds were strong enough to make Tom and Kelly’s tent perform in place acrobatics. Winds were still howling when they went to bed.

This morning the riders gathered up their sag wagon camping and stuffed into the rigs then headed out. They will be gone for 3 days of riding and 2 nights of camping. Their trailers are in the camp spot which makes for a loud statement of occupancy.

Today I needed to go to to town for water and a shower. Winds abated overnight. Today’s forecast had rain and possible T storms. I lacked get up and go. I stopped at Bar M trail head and went for a non anaerobic ride which I succeeded in. I just putzed on my ride as I kept an eye on the weather which spoke threateningly. I did see a flash of lightning towards Moab. I drove down into town and wet streets. Local rain. I took a shower then bought 2 gallons of filtered water. Next was water tank fill up of Gearheads filtered water. I walked across the side street to City market for groceries. I stopped at Chili Pepper searching for Time pedals as I am not happy with the Shimano XT pedals which take a more concerted effor to clip into. I like Times for their easy clip in and I am comfortable w/ their release. I bought the MX4 which have a pedal platform in addition to the retention mechanism.

I drove back to Willow where rain had fallen. So far I had been avoiding the rain. After warmed left overs rain fell here from a T-storm. Big winds and big rain drops. I am parked down hill from a slick rock patch. There is a drainage linking uphill slick rock potholes down to me then out into the sand. Once the rain quit the flow ceased to run.

Here by myself amid the 2 trailers and an suv.

rain is still forecast albeit lower probability.

I slept one night with the van door open all night because of heat. Tonight it’s back to closed door comfort.


2 comments on “Adult disneyland

  1. your ride reports is rekindling my interest in riding in Moab. New trails sound enticing. I have no back or other surgery.

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