That’s what the device read this AM after yesterday’s drubbing at Fisher Creek. I use the methodology of 220bpm – age(66) times 85% to establish the anaerobic threshold. My math says 132bpm, age takes another toll. Fisher Creek is a classic ride using a piece of paved highway then a soul crushing ride up an old resource extraction road to the top of the downhill. 8 miles up and 8 miles down. Ride was 2 hrs 9 mins of which 1 hour 5 mins was above 132bpm. I walked the last steep part before the top as the tread was loose cobble. Friend Steve rides it all on his 29er which might make a difference. I was almost obliterated by a quad flying down that part. Chilly day requiring tights for the first time this season. I wore my orange long sleeved jersey for warmth and notice to hunters. The forest was burned several years ago. The trail was burned over. Riding today is going thru a bleak landscape w/ few signs of new growth.
![looking north](
Fisher creek ride is famous for its smooth downhills. And so it is. Decomposed granite dirt. Trail dropped down to a creek in a meadow then climbed. I was now riding on horse hooves broken tread. At the top of the climb a guy had hitched his 3 pack horses and his riding horse blocking the trail. He told me to go around. I stayed out of range of the business end. From there down the tread was just bike tire wear. Sweet. Dropped seat and surf the turns. Trail breaks out of the burn
![outside the burn, lodgepole pines](
tread was firmer because of tree cover preventing / retarding moisture loss, moisture holds the dirt together. A short climb then the last of the flying at coasting speed descent. Woof. I stopped in plenty of time for a couple riding uphill. They told me to violate the rule of uphill riders have the right away, I said and they acknowledged they needed the break. Just fun riding. Heavily ridden trail but the late fall weather chased the crowds away.
Post ride I drove downriver to a hot springs I remembered. Memorable because there was some kind of tub for soaking. Today it was occupied by 3 people drinking wine and not leaving. I picked one of the pools alongside the river and soaked for 20 mins. Adjustment of hot water flow matches the inflow of river water. I heated myself enough o withstand a very brief pushup in the Salmon river, October 25.
I studied a calendar and my ride wish list that would put me in Moab just before T-day. Not many days and plenty of places to ride. I have left Wood River Valley climbing over Galena Summit and going down the Salmon river. I remember BLM primitive campgrounds along the river before Challis. I picked the first one, Deadman Hole. No fee, unoccupied, but just off the shoulder of highway 75. Great sunset color
![wild sunset from Deadman](
After dark several violent squalls rocked the van. After sunrise looking in the same direction this is what showed:
![what clouds from last night dropped, above deadman hole on Slamon r](
Today I finished the drive to Salmon, ID. Recently IMBA posted 20 rides that were developed in partnership w/ BLM, the land manager. Discovery Hills is one of them and is right above town
![Salmon, ID from Discovery Hills](
Land is sage brush cattle grazed rolling hills. Trails are mostly linked cow paths.
I was suffering from yesterday’s ride.
Back at the TH an older rider rolled up riding a Turner Czar. We chatted until a BLM truck pulled in and 2 guys got out. The passenger locked eyes with me and came forward. Shit, I’m legal. He is David, a local, and is one of the authors of a local trail guide. …. And he reads my blog. He gave me a copy of the guide. I told him if he autographed it I would give him my card. We each gave to get. The driver is co owner of the local bike shop. David claims 1000 miles of available trails. Wonderful information sharing and connection. Thanks David. He said that most of the trails are worn cow paths that they linked. I rode the Enduro route marked by orange arrows. There is even cactus here
I drove back down into town and paid for a shower at the local campground. The BLM guys told me the Junkyard Bistro had good food and the brew pub was a good place to watch Monday football. The Bistro was a former bar: long, narrow, and you sat at the bar. My salad was almost chin high. Enjoyed the beer, a brown ale.
I am sleeping at the Discovery Hills TH. Discovery because the Discovery Corps of Lewis and Clark traveled thru here. Sacajawea’s people are from the valley.
Tomorrow I am driving further downstream and climbing into the mountains to ride Wagonhammer. Strange phenomenon of climbing into the mountains while going downstream the Salmon. River flows north. Weather forecast called for winter storm warning for tonight and tomorrow, Right now the moon is shining between cloud breaks.
Bed time.
Great chatting w/ you!
We will continue to add rides to MTB Proj. In the mean time Trailforks has most all of the good riding around here…which includes Wagonhammer.
Hope to see you again soon.
Keep the round side down!
Good to see you back on the bike. I’ve never been to that area of idaho. thanks for the ride report.