Allman Brothers eat a Peach album, Mountain Jam cut. Pretty darn good. Listening to music on my iPod recorded from my collection when I had a house. Muskingum College, the school that helped shape me today, hired them for a concert back in 1971 just as they were becoming big. Several of us campus hippies scored front row seats. The brain cells that stored that memory have long been flushed like Cliff Clavin said about beer and brain cells. In 3 states it is legal. The music is still satisfying now 44 years later.
Trails are drying out but still on the whole too wet to ride. Some of us are turning to riding pavement to scratch the itch. Today I rode from the Bean out Verde Valley school road to red rock crossing that I renamed Pink feet caused by the cold Oak Creek water on my feet. I watched a rider gingerly cross on the stones. Gingerly because he was wearing Sidis and on wet rock.
Turning 90 degrees to the right this is the view
Back in the parking lot I practiced the high speed cornering Simon taught. Simon says.
My parents named me “Craig” for their reasons, I was not consulted. I have worn the moniker from the birth certificate entry till today. My dad died 2 years ago; my mom preceded him by 37 years. Who named me is no longer around to be asked if they like my name change. Not saying I will, just a thought: What would you change your name to after your parents are gone?
Tomorrow is Thursday, my wash day. I have so few anchors to attach time to.
It’s almost 10PM about normal time for writing this. I have fixed some thing for dinner eats and cleaned up which is about 7:00. I might be sipping a Scotch while preparing dinner. My vaporizer converted solids to inhaleable vapor, perhaps sublimation? Extensive web research finds no fault w/ this method of ingestion.
More friends to the Bean crowd: Gonzo. He used to work @ the Bean. He built 2 sets of wheels for me. He is from Indiana. Today he told me he is moving back to work in his friends bike shop right outside the N entrance of Brown County park. Brown County is an IMBA epic that I have ridden several times, lastly w/ friend Phil. Ian showed up. Sedona has so few local riders. It seems the population is divided among the 4 bike shops in town, little crossover. You are identified by the place you hang.
My captured data from my crashed hard drive arrived today. Will take some brain power to figure how to manage the data to this computer. I put that off, certainly not tonight. Tomorrow I will buy a plug in USB storage drive to use as back up. The data I lost is meaningful to me: All the pictures, my bike log to learn how close I am to 20,000 miles ridden.
Springsteen’s Thunder Road, another one of the best.
Youth and age. My parents liked their music from Big Bands. Rock and roll was happening on late Sunday AM broadcasts. I was in such a hurry to be my age music that I didn’t learn my parents likes. I am older now then when this happened to my parents. I am still identifying w/ musicians of my 60s youth. And technology. I wonder how many of the young have listened to fading reception on an AM transistor radio at night catching the bouncing radio waves. In Ohio we could pick up a Chicago station if I turned the radio just so, a steel bed frame at boy scout camp was a phenomenal antennae.