Successful recovery after lowest point of my life

Death Valley, 282 feet below sea level, lowest point in America. No internet or cell coverage.

Monday dropped down from 4200 pass to sea level. My brake pads gas off.

Spent night in Stovepipe springs XG which is just a big rectangular gravel parking lot gridded of for roads and camp spots. My senior pass drops the fee to $6.00 and free admission, full =  $20. Information woman is from Akron, OH. I walked out onto the sand desert observing raven walking tracks and burrows of whatever vole. I found the burrow when the sand gave way near the entrance, a short ways back the tunnel resisted collapse. Crazy sleeping in a huge legal gravel parking lot. It was quiet and maybe only 1/4 full. What a mad house it would be when full. Great traveling during the off season.

Leading from the XG is a dirt road up into Cottonwood canyon. Map shows a solid double line changing to dashed further up canyon. Should be a good ride. The location in on the alluvial fan at the break point between rubble and sand. The start was in somewhat packed sand. I made 3 miles finally convincing myself that it was only going to be more of the same for miles. I turned around. Big energy suck.

I changed into street clothes then drove down to Furnace Creek to Sunset XG. I found a spot in another parking lot XG. I hung an empty water jug from the post. I walked over to the visitors center. While inside a kindred spirit ranger announced to the crowd that he had a scorpion held by its stinger. He said he has walked across America more times than anyone else.  He answered my nature questions. An outdoors life family button holed him to give  up a treasure which he did: 8.3 miles up the gravel road to a blocked gate then hike into the canyon. I drove up valley wall to the gravel road. I drove about 100 yards then stopped as it was shaking my mobile home. I checked the surface for bike riding: it passed. Next plan became change back into riding clothes and wear the softer bike shoes. 8.5 miles gained 640′. I worked it. The time spent on the exercise bike is noticeable as I have a more complete spin. I made the TH @ 3, stashed my bike then hiked down the trail. I assessed my variables: no food or water, or long distance walking shoes. Sundown became the decider. I turned around well before I even saw the likes of a canyon. The escarpment to the west shaded the sun b4 sundown which is like 4:26 w/ alpine glow for maybe 20 mins. I wanted to be off the gravel before darkness. I really worked my speed, I finished in shade. It took 52 mins in but 38 back.

greenwater valley looking west
greenwater valley looking west

I watched the sky change colors and later the stars @ the parking lot that I rode from. I returned to the XG in the pitch black and the road all to myself. Desert by bright van lights. I wandered a bit in the XG seeking my saved spot. I was in bed at 10:30 and didn’t greet the new year until 3 when I woke up then went back to bed. Slept below sea level.

Today my drive took me down to Bad water valley. A board walk extends over the salt flat which is white from the wind blown salt. A plaque announces the official elevation of -282 below sea level. Neat, on the other side of the road up on a rock face is a sign reading: Sea Level. A tourist bus unloaded an Asian tour group.

I drove south down the valley. The alluvial fans are ever present. Heavy rain washed the roads carrying rubble that has to be plowed like snow from the road. The road carried me pass a laundromat that had a sign: Showers, what I was needing. $5 and clean behind the ears.

Back on the road I joined the throng heading north on I-15. Mayhem, aggressive driving. My route was to exit east well south of Las Vegas to make Bullhead. I missed my exit. The recovery was to drive to out skirts of town. I past Bootleg canyon and the bike shop I had fun at. Kept going. Plan now is Kingman by dark and city camp. I goggled restaurants in town then picked a Mexican on Andy Devine Ave. Really.

I drove out of town to a Safeway. Kingman is old town and the new sprawl out east. I checked the local Hastings store and saw the new Freehub. Groceries then GPS seek for hospital looking for a sleep spot. I found the hospital, even crazier is a stand alone building signed Specialty Clinic. My license plate meets the clinic. I might sleep here then dash b4 they open.

My shoulder held up during the ride however my butt isn’t happy.

I will be in sedona tomorrow.

Happy New Year.

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