whew man, only my left arm is available for work substituting for the guy on the right.my old dog is acquiring skill to hold a writing instrument, get a grip. then i will work on writing readable text. didn’t sleep last night. i stacked bed pillows to make an upper back recliner to protect the shoulder. pain and sleeping on my back equaled no sleep last night.
finished ruby ridge today. fear the government!!!! next is grisham’s the racketeer.
Patience my man. I was down for 6 monhs in 2003 with neck surgery and then about 3 months in 2007 woth broken ribs and a punctured lung. Be a good Patient, do whatever they ask and take your time getting back up to speed. You’ll be good as new by the new year or at least the spring. Just in time for Sedona:) All the best RM
Have enjoyed your travels for quite some time. My regards. Get well soon.
Good luck Craig, Hope to see you sometime. Randy