Wonder where the other half is. Tonight camped @ said SP, paid $35 to sleep almost on the beach. Very windy.
Last night was way up @ Henry Coe SF, the site of another IMBA epic. Only the XG was way up high and the trail I chose to ride that I found a GPS track for was down @ southern end. No internet. Hot night as I slept under just a worn flannel sheet.
Yesterday I rode the UC trails up on Empire way above Santa Cruz. Christina, friend Will, and 3 others joined up. Deep woods cover in second growth of redwoods. Pedaling trails. Myriad maze. Hot.
Sat night I felt like a scab under my left arm. I picked at it but it didn’t come off. The muscles near the site were sore. I began thinking I might have hit a stick on Sat’s ride. I looked @ the site in the mirror. Shit, there was a ring around a center an that’s what i figured. I showed it @ Sun’s ride. One guy said it was a tick. Man, never before had I experienced this reaction to a tick bite. I brought out my tick extractor tool and asked for a volunteer to remove it. Guy did and successfully removed the mouth parts. Less than 24 hours attachment but I still was concerned during the ride and afterwards. I found a doc in the box and got in just before closing. DR said this can happen but wasn’t concerned about Lymes although she did prescribe an antibiotic.
I rode Sat taking a shuttle up mtn. Strange: shuttle dropped off just short of a ridge. Ride went out the ridge then dropped off the back side. We rode Braille. Then the crunch of climbing out of the hole to ride back down. Rode down west ridge thru second growth redwoods. Spectacular 16 miles, 3,000′ climbing, 5500′ descending.
Today I rode @ Henry Coe. Lots of hike a bike. And hot that affected me. I encountered Paul, a local, who I rode w/ for awhile. I was following the GPS track and a b&W photocopy 8.5 X 11 map. He had a better one plus lots of knowledge. I was concerned I was going to run out of my 70ozs of h2o. He offered me a shorter way back to my van. Steep drop back down Grizzly gulch . My body temp climbed although I did not run out of h20, tomorrow I’ll check how much is left. I drank a glass of ice h2o then put an ice bag around the back of my neck. My temp was 99.9, outside it was 92. I took an almost too hot solar shower in the parking lot. Evaporative heat loss of hot h2o on hot body cooled me down.
Slow internet speed so not pics posted.
Tomorrow maybe Dreggs just S of SF.
I am back into this drive, ride, camp, drive again routine as I move up the coast. I thought about staying a second night here but the $35 is too steep for me. 52 degrees @ 10:15PM. Bed time. Curl up under warm down blanket while being abhorrently rocked from the wind gusts.
Continue to ride thru poison oak cove and still no break out.