I left JEM to drive down canyon to Hurricane for some errands and wait for Dan for out Rim ride. Filled propane tank, bought some screws and a counter sink to screw back together my galley panel that is separating.
Met Dan. He is having a bad health day causing him to bail on our ride. Nice day. I am OK w/ not riding. I wave at a rig w/ bikes hanging on back. No idea who they were but they had bikes on board and were heading up canyon. Shortly the rig drove up to OTE driven by Bill carrying wife Katie. They asked me to join them on a Gooseberry ride. I hemmed and hawed. Bill was geared to ride some tough stuff. Dan worked on them, maybe just Bill, because Dan told me later that Katie requested riding Gander that I wanted to ride. Bill took off his knee pads thus agreeing on Gander. I was in. Just a beautiful day: clear blue skies, low 50s, & no wind. The road up to Gooseberry is lumpy bumpy. We were the only rigs on the mesa. We parked out @ the wind mill where the Gander takes off. This trail hugs the edge of the northern side of the mesa looking out and down to the Virgin river and the highway leading into Zion.
Great trail that offered cardio and a bunch of lower ability level tech features that challenged me yet I rode them all. Last night laying in bed I replayed how to climb a roll up and focused on second part of the move which is to pedal. I got it right almost every time today. We rode out and back: out w/ the sun @ our back, on the return the sun was lower in the sky and right in my eyes. We finished just after 5. Sundown is like 5:18. Computer ate the other pics. Enjoyable ride.
Bill and Katie are the Idititrod mtn bike race promoters and guide in Alaska during the summer.
Sun leaves the sky and the temp drops. I was very chilly back in Hurricane. I drove back up canyon to JEM for the night.
Dan told me about a chiro he likes in ST George. I followed his advice and called him and scored an appointment for tomorrow to work on my painful SI joint.
2 more night here and then I will be sleeping in Sedona. Time passes towards new adventures. I am quite comfortable here.