I am presently tucked partially in the lee of a 1 story building out from under the trees preventing me from full wind blockage. Strong winds punctuated by gusts strong enough to rock my van. Unfortunately I am broadside to the wind.
Today Dan worked on Tae to drive out to his place way out in the desert on a road that I deem too rough to drive on and take me then the 3 of us could ride Dan’s trails. Last year it was Quentin driving. Dan has a chemical allergy that necessitates clean air which is why he lives so far out and away. Big open desert. Montana has nothing up on Big Sky over the SW desert. Dan’s vistas hurt the eyes as it so big and open. Nearby is Rock canyon that his trails travel above providing views into the depths of the continent. Last December when I was here in Hurricane monstrous rain fell swelling rivers. Dan videoed the falls in the canyon. Today there were just a few small stagnant pools. His trails are virtually single track less than 10″ wide wandering around the desert. Good ride.
Forecast for next several days is for slight chance of snow. Today during Tae’s & my drive back to town we could see haze in the air to the north. Weather change. We arrived @ OTE as the winds were picking up, a precursor for what is battering me now.
Yesterday I stayed off my bike but actively rested stuffing raked leaves into bags @ OTE. Big trash bags and heavy. This AM when I crawled out of bed I was stiff and sore, worse than after any recent hard bike ride. My sweat equity was reflected in my bike service charge.
Quentin serviced my Chris King bottom bracket flushing out the older stiffer grease w/ lighter weight grease thus lessening pedaling resistance. I noticed the difference today, kind of like running in running shoes after trying the same in hiking boots. I replaced the worn front brake rotor as I had worn down the braking surface. Got my $ out of that rotor.
Zags play in 30 mins heard on XM radio.
Tomorrow weather will dictate a ride. Laundry for sure.
Yesterday a local shop changed the oil and filters for about 1/2 what Sprinter service centers charge. I might have gotten what I paid for if I place credence in factory trained techs.