Shortly day 3 in Spokane will go to bed. I am experiencing my past as I go to familiar places and people, driving old roads, finding places from memory. Think about when you returned to a place where you spent years then left under good vibes. I lived here for 18 years.
So, yesterday’s plan was for a ride in MT Spokane State Park seeking the elusive huckleberries and a few items from my list, then head over to my former neighbors for greetings and sleep.
I picked up a new batch of 500 business cards from the printer who remembered me on site. Didn’t catch him. My first batch lasted a year, the 2nd one lasted 2 years.
Next stop was the DOL to renew my driver’s license. A driver is only able to renew on line once in 10 years and I used that up last time. Today was brick and mortar and butt on a seat waiting my turn. Sometimes my internet response was as slow as I was processed. I now have a new picture.
Up to the park. Day pass $10 or $40 the season. I checked out the off the shoulder parking a ways downhill from park entrance. I talked myself into driving into the park and paying the $10 to park where I used to park for free. I rode up the pavement until the trail all but kissed the highway then dropped down onto trail 110 for a long uphill haul. I rode over 3 h2o diversion projects I helped on 4 years ago. 2 were working like champs, something happened to 1 spring fed stream. I found berries b4 the last left hand switchback. I was holding out for the patch I like up @ the junction w/ Kit Carson rd. I share this location now because I saw people picking w/ me and heard several people mention it. I still picked there for 40 mins. Got enough for several batches of pancakes. I made a berry bag from a heavy duty rice bag and threaded some cord to make a loop to hang around my neck. Works pretty well leaving both hands to pick. I take my glasses and helmet off to hang the bag around my neck. I rode off and ran into another unpicked berry patch w/ dark purple ripe huckleberries. I stopped and made the transition from riding to picking. This happened several other times during the ride as I found patches I deemed worthy to stop and pick.
My riding was not fast, I kept at it. Dusty from lack of rain. Technically I rode way good. Again, the seat dropper, 25 psi tubeless tires, PUSH tuned suspension, and of course the Turner 5 Spot itself. I have put together a sweet ride from the great stuff. Long day. Nice not having time pressure, I enjoyed myself.

Interesting stuff on the ground. Pieces of bark show the galleries that the larva create. Each beetle has its own signature eating format. I do not know this beetle or plural.

Stopped @ Yokes grocery store for dinner fixings then drove behind the store to fix it and do internet stuff. My side door opened up to full view of MT Spokane.
OK I did have time pressure as Jennifer, my former neighbor goes to bed @ 8 PM to prepare for 4:00 AM wake up. I caught her & hubby Bill b4 she went to bed then watched the Mariners and sipped a beer. They lost, the bottle was empty, and eyelids grew heavy. I slept in their driveway.
Today I picked up my new warranty replacement shoes. Rain threatened. Some sprinkles fell. Drove to Bicycle Butler where I used to hang. Pleasant chat w/ owner Tim.
Decided to ride Riverside SP, second largest state park after MT Spokane. I could park outside the park to avoid the $10 admission. I rode here for years. I had a mental ride map: head north and ride Sharp Stick in the Eye then down rive and loop back to the van. Sharp Stick is the nastiest and longest, steepest vertical in the park. Lots of fractured basalt that moves w/ the correct amount of tire pressure. Be on or you are off. As I got closer to the van the skies started darkening. At the van a light sprinkle started. I put the cover over the bikes. Thunder clapped and rain fell, heavily. The rain is sure needed. The Spokane river @ 9 mile dam is way down thru flow management. I bought a 6 pack of beer for shower negotiation @ BB.

Sweat washed off I headed to REI to buy a stronger anti-theft device for my bikes. While there I saw this tall guy who looked familiar. I said Hi then asked him if he was Cory Violette who played for the Zags several years ago. Yes he was. He just retired from 7 year basketball career in Europe. We chatted. He played in front of thousands, I am probably in thousands of bathrooms. I bought a killer Ulock.
Next was dinner @ The Elk in Browns Addition where a guy tried to steal my bike off my van as I slept. The Elk was a weekly favorite. Walked in to see Kyle who used to work there. We were buds.
I stopped @ a Yokes on Argonne and bought a small container to Haagen Daaz butter pecan ice cream. Over the course of creating this I ate the entire thing. Urp.
Off to Bill’s for the night.