Last night I slept just behind a restaurant right on main drag in Aztec. Several times I woke during the night trying to catch my breath. Last week I really noticed a shortness of breath riding @ Gallup. My INR value has been low causing my concern that maybe I have a PE. So today I sampled another emergency room visit this time in Farmington, NM. Another IV & blood draw for testing. Hooked up to an EKG & BP monitor. HR was 60 that caused them some concern but that is normal for me. EKG spit out a healthy ticker. Blood was tested for an indicator for a clot. Result said no clot. Chest Xray was clean, no pneumonia. DR said that my COPD flared up. Also that I still have bronchitis. I now have another abuterol inhaler and a dose of antibiotics. I am experiencing a problem w/ mulitple DRs treating me. The pulmonologist in ST George treating me for COPD, an NP in VOC managing my coumadin, an ortho in Flag for my shoulder. Damaged goods.
A recent article in MBA assigned life expectancy to various bike components. There was no value assigned to the engine.
2 days ago driving back from Cottonwood XG my van had a hiccup like faltering. I made an appointment Monday AM in Farmington, NM @ a Sprinter service garage to determine the issue and fix it b4 I make any extended trips.
I made an appointment w/ the Orthopaedic surgeon in Flag on Wed to examine my shoulder as it hurts, all is not right w/ it. Instead of continuing North I am retreating.
The rain the last 2 days has saturated the dirt making off maintained road surfaces a slippery adventure, hence I am staying behind the restaurant again listening to a refer running. A constant noise in a place where i will not be rousted to me is better than parking on a side street having an occasional car go by and the possibility of being rousted.
Forecast calls for drying weather. Plan on riding Alien Run again. I hope the “road” up the hill to the TH is passable. Then I am thinking driving short distance to Durango for Sat night and a ride on Sunday, spend the night then drive back down here Monday to van service.
yesterday I checked out the local museum. I initially was attracted to various old drilling machines, one even used a tree for a mast. There were numerous restored blgs complete w/ period pieces. Question is how do you know what to save for posterity and what to pitch. Your grandfather’s Underwood typewriter? Your Commadore computer? Here today, gone tomorrow, then it becomes an antique.