Monday was a rest day allowing my legs to literally loosen up as they cramped last night sleeping. Drove to PO to pick up my sister Lise’s cookie package. She said to let you all know she’s looking. Cookies and our mother’s fudge recipe. Much of the goodies went straight to my hips. Bought propane where I bought last winter. Mark is still there and was tickled to see me again. he’s a rider so we exchanged a few stories.
Drove out to Deer Pass rd for night. Went for a desert hike just b4 sundown amid the basalt chunks and patches of prickly pear. Saw several jack rabbits which seem to be all legs and ears.
My practice out here in dispersed camping is to keep to myself and everybody else seems to do the same, I was just finishing up brushing my teeth after 10:00 when I hear a bag on the side of my van. I peer between the curtains and see a rig w/ lights on, door open, engine running w/ a light bar onto. Its the fuzz. I open the door and am greeted by a USFS law enforcement officer. he calls me by name and sticks out his hand. It’s Mike whom I met back summer of ’09 out @ Beaverhead flats, the gay pick up spot. He remembered me from that visit. He is an avid rider. He had seen my van in town for several days and just happened to find me out @ Deer Pass. He was checking up on high school kids drinking party. I Invited him in out of the cold and we visited till after midnight. I learned the law side of the social trails which is positive.
Chilly night, I pulled on a cap and doubled up the down blanket and hunkered down.
Today Jimmy @ BnB is leading a ride in the afternoon. Drove down to VOC for ride. The Tomato Girls Jan and Anne joined as did Scott, and Richard. We rode a new trail to Highline getting more of a traverse. My riding needs refinement as I walk more this time than I did last visit. Hard riding for me but Jimmy & Richard just get ‘er done. Our ride went out to drop off into Baldwin and then retraced our tracks to pick up a new trail that winds around a mountain to drop down to verde valley rd. Lots of sharp turns juking in & out of gullies, some too short for wheel base of bikes. I made a move and then stuffed my front wheel on a loose rock that stalled me sending me & bike off the downhill edge of the trail. First flesh wound of this visit on left forearm. I am using new Time pedals that I have to release at easiest tension except the left foot takes considerably more lateral twist of my foot to release. Much of these trails are tight against a rock face w/ air on the other side. Toppling uphill on my left side w/ difficult pedal sometimes traps my foot and I have troubles getting free of my bike.
I am a better rider than I let myself be. I tell myself I need courage. On today’s ride Scott heard me talking about courage. He searched among all the rocks we were in and found one and called it “courage” and gave it to me. I put it in my green handlebar bag. I felt a tinge of its magic several times. It’s like the Cowardly Lion in Wizard of Oz when the lion confesses his lack of courage in spite of acting courageous in face of danger which is really courage. The wizard gave him something to drink. Maybe I should modify his source of courage to something I inhale. In the movie version the lion was given a medal labeled “courage”. Scott gave me a rock and called it “courage”.

right click on pic, open in new window, right click chose make bigger.
Hung @ BnB after ride. Fun place. Shower & Jim & Jan’s then back to Beaverhead.
Forecast is calling for snow Wed night into Thurs w/ night time temps below freezing. If weather performs the riding will be wet & muddy for several days, or no riding @ all.