Yesterday turned out to be a rest day as UPS delivered the fork part late afternoon but bike shop wanted a more skilled wrench to install it which meant repair first thing on Sat AM.
I did my wash. 2 laundromats across the street from each other. Amazing number of machines that are broken. But then there was a brand new laundromat in Moab.
Walked Main st in late afternoon just looking. Old buildngs from late 1880s. Stopped for a beer @ Old Thymers. Pat came over and introduced himself to me as he saw my van on the streets but identified me @ the bar.
Back out to Junction cr XG. Temp just @ freezing.
Today wrench starts @ 9:30 to install fork part, finished @ 10:00.
I put my bike on my van and was getting ready to leave when my phone rang. Jim identified himself saying he read my blog and read that i am in Durango and so is he and he & his gang are going to ride Phil’s World @ Cortez, and so am I. He told me 12:00 meet time. I was there. 5 guys all buds. We rode out and sorted out speed and ability positions. Jim smoked everybody. Another fun ride on Phil’s. Overcast skies & chilly temp.
Afterwards we adjourned to Main st brewery. I chatted for awhile then split for Rec center for shower. The drove out to airport for sleep.
Plan tomorrow is to drive to Hurricane via Page giving up on Thunder mtn as snow has prolly fallen. Going thru polygamist land.
Forecast is for snow during the weekend, snow level @7,000′.
Hi Craig
Glad to meet you in Fruita. I will be following along on the blog. Great info on the trails thanks!