Post Canyon day

Sometime during the night I was awakened to sounds of rain drops on van roof. Turn to to put cover on bikes. Just a few drops but I responded to the stimulus like a dog for a bone.

Lee and I took off for downtown business and a meeting for Post canyon.

I stopped @ Mtn View to pick up my heart rate monitor and to have my rear rotor mic’d as I noticed more brake lever travel after Dog River downhill. It measured below minimum thickness and the Avid replacement is just a tag thicker. Brake lever is more to my liking and the brake is more powerful.

Lee arrived and after talking w/ Wes, the owner, for awhile we drove just out of town for the Canyon ride. It is a wooded canyon w/ old trails all over, sprinkled in were various stunts like flattened log skinnies. Out back there are some killer gap jumps. I rode several of the skinnies but this riding I rebel against as it is man made vs what is found in nature. True, riding them helps skills for what nature presents but no, I do not practice on these. Mostly the riding is a big trail system w/ steep downhills sometimes there were less steep ways to avoid the fall line trails. The soil packs out smooth perhaps because of the sheer number of bike tires rolling over the ground. The uphills were ridable w/ big effort. The wind whistled thru the trees swaying broken parts on the forest floor. One section the wind was blowing the dust right off the packed tread and Lee was cutting first tracks like an old etch a sketch. The wind was pretty gusty not like the constant 33 mph winds of Kansas. Riding in the trees during high winds might require more than just a helmet for the head.

Short ride.

Back into town picked up mail @ Post Office, the service projects to loose $7 bill this year. Did wash, grocery shopped and then drove out to Lee’s house for driveway camping.

No word from Dave Waag. Might be heading to WA tomorrow as a result.

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