Making time

Many distractions are present here around Sedona from biking, hiking, socializing, and just plain being. Today I am parked in sunshine (warmth) at outlet mall with decent signal strength and most importantly putting my fingers on the keyboard. I have been mixing riding with hiking and few non elevating heart rate days. Heart rate will only increase if I recount an event or get up to plug in charge cord which I just did. Rest is not over rated, younger people seem to think it is.

Yesterday I hiked with Doug and Leia out Chuckwagon area. We hiked backwards to how I ride the trail, this was my first ever hike on these trails other than hike a bike up something. First time this year, didn’t ride here last year, hiking up what I would roll down. This day the downs appeared nasty as I looked up. Also, lack of rain has allowed the rocks to grow and high hiker feet count erode the dirt between those rocks. Seeing the trail features from foot perspective raised concern of riding down. Beat up tread. 2 1/2 hour hike left me exerted as no coasting and sitting.  Chilly day, amazing we encountered fewer than 10 others (dogs included). One of these days I will ride here.

Doug is recovering from his frozen shoulder which limits his riding and following his route lead.  I am able to figure a ride or hike myself but I like the company and he invites me. He lives in West Sedona, city camping in his driveway and I live down at VOC. About a 6 mile drive separates us, drive time is affected by tourist traffic.

Sunday Doug and I rode from gravel pit used as  parking and firing firearms. Noise. We linked system and socail trails interspersed with soaking up time outside.

W side of Thunder mtn

(pretty static pic)

Drought desert, last precip was somewhere back in Sept.

I am a Buckeye fan because I grew up in Ohio. Last Fri they played in college football semifinal national  championship. I started watching game up at Colt grill then at halftime I drove down to PJs. Well played by both teams with the Bucks a touchdown lead over Texas who was about to score tying touchdown in waning minutes of the game. I allowed myself to get emotionally involved in something I had no influence over, I checked out of bar and rest of game. I went to bed not learning the score, at breakfast I learned the Bucks had won. Final game is next week. Elevated heart rate stress.

This is my 17th winter of residing in Sedona and riding. I have years of riding same trails, however tread conditions might have changed such as a rock growing or new ones exposed. I ride with unreckless abandon. The system trails are continually ridden, hence change, while the social trails are ridden in with little change to tread plus they are slower lacking vertical.

This morning out Beaverhead way at wake up time outside temp was 21, inside I was chilly at 52 degrees. I talk myself out from warmth to getting on with my day in the chill. I pull on my wool hoodie, make my bed and hoist it to Murphy position, whisk broom objects that don’t belong underfoot, then roll out an ensolite pad on the floor in preparation of a series of exercises, then do them. 25 pushups makes for man boobs, not sure if I would make an A cup. I parked the windshield of the van facing the rising sun which breaks the horizon after calculated sunrise of 7:32.

53 degrees at 2:03 PM under cloudless skies. Tomorrow more of the same, I plan on riding here.

Same ol, same ol

PJs did not buy espn+, which is station for some of Zags games, I learned during last Thurs evening. Rolled in up to bar and made my request for game. Told not happening. Bummer. Turned out Marvin and his wife invited me to join them. Marvin found me last year at the town parking place to share Scotch. They are from Wisconsin, places I had also ridden. Lively laughing conversation. Bummer, no game.

Doug is dealing with a very painful nerve issue in his left arm which limits and or prohibits riding. Very painful. He is still way faster than me. First ride was out Skywalker area. I cleaned a problem wash due to better tuned suspension. My engine just can’t push the pedals as hard and as long, I take blows to recover. Under the Radar etc. Next ride was a social trail wander, I learned new trails. I have spent several nights in their rental driveway in west Sedona. In the city.

I had made an appointment with a dermatologist in Cottonwood last Thurs. Drove over. PA said I was well recovered and cautioned me about potential infection from any wound on that leg would be hard to treat. Damaged goods. Drove to local gun shop seeking making my pistol work. Success. Drove over to local bike shop, Verde Valley Cycle, to visit.        Rama was working there. Rama of former Mountain Bike Heaven bike shop. I had hung at his shop and rode the Sunday shop rides learning local vibe and meeting established local riders. Times have moved on.

Sleep spot off Beaverhead has become popular, there are maybe 5 established spots, some nights I get the last one nobody else wanted. I park the van with the nose pointing east for sunrise solar warmth. This was one sunset:

sunset Beaverhead

I rode Rabbit ridge loop solo. I suffered the climb stopping frequently to blow. Sometimes pedaling maybe 50 yards. Dismayed.

on Little Rock, Rabbit ears back

Bucks beat Oregon the number 1 in nation team who beat the Bucks by a pint earlier in season. Bucks scorched the Ducks. I watched first half at PJs as they received that station.

Today I rode what I call the Llama loop down here in VOC. First time, I needed to familiarize myself with current tread conditions. Cautious. Encountering old foes, mastering all but the Problem. Suspension is so much better behaved and my pedaling is stronger. I find I was better able to make a feature if I put my head into it and pedal. I am satisfied with my $500 purchase. I followed a Bike Patrol rider and his friend, guy was 78 and was faster albeit less tech skill. He crashed right in front of me, stuffed his front wheel off a roll down.

This week is health care week. Tomorrow it’s eyes and PT, tomorrow is Flag for vein follow-up, Wed is PT, Thurs is teeth and wash.

Sunday night at the outlet mall parking lot, city sleeping.

I GPS first time on a trail. This pic is just of the west Sedona rides. Amazing how dense.



Arrived at dead dry Sedona

Yesterday morning just after daylight I left Hurkin corral for Village of Oak Creek which is S of Sedona in a different county. Almost 6 hour drive at my speed. Drove over Jacob Lake at 7,9xx’ elevation on bare roads and no snow on the forest floor. Shorter than  driving thru Kanab. Van performed albeit not without my normal anxiety of needing roadside assistance. Arrived in time to see start and entire Zags game at PJs. Zags continue to put up great effort but the other team has a better final kick. Short drive to local grocery store for provisions. Just out of the PJs Jimmy, another mountain biker living in his Westie had the red thumb to stop for me. We met at grocery store. He would be spending the night same place as I intended to. Brief visit before dinner. Sunset was spectacular last night just sprawling reddish colors etc that lit up entire horizon that lasted for minutes. I would stop stove top activity and prop myself in the open slider door and soak up psychodelic colors. Jimmy and his buddy  lack inside heat so they retired inside inside their sleeping bags while I just turned the heater on and let the thermostat control my comfort. Seems temp dropped to 50. So pleasant able to leave door open.

dead dry desert beaverhead

Back in Arizona, swapping 1 red state for another but here liquor laws are most favorable to those requiring it and pot is legal. I can watch Zags in a bar, drink a glass of wine and not have to buy food. And establishments are plentiful.

At PJs I entered as a long time local patron. New owners, felt same atmosphere, same bartenders who control the TVs for me to watch the Zags. I’m a known patron but they do not follow the Zags to know when they will be serving me a glass of keg Chardonnay.

Just dust, lack of precip. This is my 17th winter here, over time I have watch plants die such as the prickly pear.   Humans are progressing to the next great dieoff.

So this is where I am now and will prolly remain from here for winter.

Go Bucks!

Happy New Year!