Medically OK

Woke early w/ “shortness” of breath. I decided I need to find medically what si happening. Found emergency care in Avon. Chest Xrays were great. Listening reveals maybe asthma. Prescribed 3 days of a steroid and an inhaler. Used inhaler seemed to have imediate result.

Drove S on rt 24 towards Leadville. Stopped in Leadville where i toured a mining museum.

Plan is to arrive in Salida tomorrow hoping to ride w/ Tony and visit w/ Mark & Brenda who are good friends.

Found same spot I stayed at 2 years ago right on the Arkansas river.

2 comments on “Medically OK

  1. Hi Craig, Good to hear you are OK. I have asthma and have had it since I was a kid. It comes and goes. Haven’t had any problems in the last number of years. Don’t know if you remember, the 1st yrs after I moved here from Seattle, the change in climate and pollens stirred up my asthma. It’s a crappy disease as most people don’t give you any slack and think you’re just out of shape. Steroids are amazing. Immediate relief. Hopefully the asthma stays away. Been road biking (new Bottecchia)and mountain biking. Did Surveyor’s Ridge down by Hood River with a couple of my biking buddies from the North side. We about killed each other. I haven’t been that tired in a long time. Take care and enjoy Colorado. A friend I used to work with in Seattle and his wife went to Frisco and fell in love with the biking there. Sometime I’ll have to experience it. Take Care, Les P. S. Summer hot weather here. Saturday is suppose to be mid 90’s.

  2. Craig,
    Whew. Glad to hear you ok and it is asthma. That isn’t great, but better than some other outcomes.

    Say hey to Tony Boone for me.


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