Rain then snow… in the desert?

Yesterday was a rainy day and the temps dropped as the afternoon wore on. Too wet to ride. Hung @ BnB for awhile then drove back to Beaverhead Flats. I listened to rain on the roof, the quite of wet snow flakes, then pings of grappel. I’m snug inside. Wind came up during night. After sun came up I watched squalls of snow come in, hit me, and then leave clear skies.

Today is another no ride day because of previous rain and falling wet snow. Windy and cold added to the decision. Today is to learn if i still have Hilton spa shower privileges. I carried with me the MBA mag w/ 1 page article into spa and shared it with P… . Yes, he remembers me and extended the courtesy. He spoke my name when i left. Publicity does open doors.

Hung @ BnB where there was some talk, both little and big about riding mid afternoon. I left before decision time.

Sedona is 4500′. BnB is in Village of Oak Creek which is down lower in the canyon. I am camped @ 4000′. I went for an afternoon walk out here @ Beaverhead. Several snow squalls hit me face on as I walked up the road back to camp. Its 7:17PM and it is 26  degrees. The heater is on high. Occasional wind gusts rock my van. Snug as a bug in a rug.

Forecast for tomorrow is less precip but w/ below freezing temps @ night for foreseeable forecast. Ride early in cold day b4 ground thaws.

New Years eve celebration so far will be camped somewhere. Zags play that I might watch early in evening. I want to be off the roads early. Will attempt to ride a cold ride earlier.

Cold temps will slow the rain runoff. Still too high to cross @ Red Rock Crossing. Dry Beaver creek out near where I am has been dropping.

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